New Campaign by CoinMarketCap - Learn & Earn PlasmaFinance (5$ of PPAY)

By katerinaramm | katerinaramm | 6 Jun 2021

Let's learn about a new CoinMarketCap campaign where we can learn some extra crypto for free (we just need a few minutes from our time)

Visit this link to start earning .. pls note in advance what you will need

  1. A CoinMarketCap account (you just need an email + password) and a
  2. Binance Account (Feel free to use my ref so that we can both earn) (This way we can both earn a 10%)


Let's check out some info about Plasma, which is a DeFi Platform (links below)


Let's see more about the campaign

What you need to know before you start - the campaign is on for another 5 days, you need to read all lessons before answering and please verify the answers I am providing below.

LESSON 1 & more in the link


You need to read all lessons to be able to take the quiz

You are asked for your email address, your binance 8-digit code and then the quiz starts

.1. The first questions are about your email, your binance account, and some general ones (7 out of 14 questions) - then please see below what follows



I answered Liquidity Mining as per their 2nd Lesson



I answered the second one "You have to be careful.."



1 transaction is the response



All of the above



PPAY of course

Then you need to enter an ERC-20 wallet


And then, we receive a thank you page and a 'prove you are human' page where we need to click!

I am curious to see what happens because I have never received any $$ from CoinMarketCap campaigns..

Let me know what you did and please answer at your own risk and after your own research!

Thanks for visiting!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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katerinaramm Verified Member

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