Bitcoin(BTC) to Rally soon , Speculations on Ethereum (ETH) too

By Jw1 | JW | 1 Nov 2021

Bitcoin(BTC) to Rally soon , Speculations on Ethereum (ETH) too


Bitcoin (BTC) has come a long way ,from getting criticism to being the one trusted by both Billionaires and the retail investors.

  • Bitcoin (BTC) being the top cryptocurrency in the market or we can say market leader it has been leading the market and making way for smaller cryptocurrency tokens to grow 
  • Bitcoin (BTC) as per the top cryptocurrency market analysts is going to touch $500,000 mark in the near future, as governments are getting softer towards cryptocurrency , the market is Blooming.
  • Ethereum (ETH) being one of the most trusted cryptocurrency tokens in the market is also getting a lot of attention 9f the whales ,as of this year whales have been seen to be trusting Ethereum (ETH) more than the Bitcoin (BTC). 
  • As a matter of fact we can see that Ethereum Blockchain is really well developed and getting better and better with days. Ethereum Blockchain is trusted by a large number of tokens. 
  • When it comes to DeFi , Ethereum Defi leads the cryptocurrency market there to with continuous developments on its platform.
  • Feel free to share your comments on which one do you think is better or have a higher potential.



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