



Gov't Institutions have gone Rogue


  “As the millennium approaches, the new mega-political conditions of the Information Age will make it increasingly obvious that the nation-state inherited from the industrial era is a predatory institution. With each year that passes, it will seem less a boon to prosperity and more an obstacle, one from which the individual will want an escape. It is an escape that desperate governments will be loath to allow. The stability and even the survival of Western welfare states depends upon their ability to continue extracting a huge fraction of the world’s total output for redistribution to a subset of voters in the OECD countries. This requires that the taxes imposed upon the most productive citizens of the currently rich countries be priced at super monopoly rates, hundreds or even thousands of times higher than the actual cost of the services that governments provide in return.

  The state socialist system was predicated upon the doctrine that the state owned everything. The democratic welfare state, by contrast, made more modest claims, and thereby employed superior incentives to mobilize greater output. Instead of laying claim to everything in the beginning, governments in the West allowed individuals to own property and accumulate wealth. Then, after the wealth had been accumulated, the Western nation-states taxed a large fraction of it away. Property taxes, income taxes, and estate taxes at high level furnished the democratic welfare state with prodigious quantities of resources compared to those available through the state socialist systems.

  During the Industrial Age prior to 1989, democracy emerged as the most militarily effective form of government precisely because democracy made it difficult or impossible to impose effective limits on the commandeering of resources by the state. Generous provision of welfare benefits to one and all invited a majority of voters to become, in effect, employees of the government. This became the predominant political feature of all leading industrial countries because voters were in a weak position to effectively control the government in their role as customers for the service of protection. Not only did they face the aggressive menace of Communist systems, which could produce large resources for military purposes since the state controlled the entire economy, but true taxpayer control of government was also impractical for another reason.

  Millions of average citizens cannot work together effectively to protect their interests. Because the obstacles to their cooperation are high, and the return to any individual for successfully defending the group’s common interests is minimal, millions of ordinary citizens will not be as successful in withholding their assets from the government as will smaller groups with more favorable incentives.

  With democratic decision-making, the nation-state could exercise power much more completely over millions of persons, who could not easily cooperate to act collectively in their own behalf, that it could in dealings with a much smaller number who could more easily overcome the organizational difficulties of defending their concentrated interests. Democracy had the still more compelling advantage of creating a legitimizing decision rule that allowed the state to tap the resources of the well-to-do without having to bargain directly for their permission. In short, democracy as a decision mechanism was well fitted to the mega-political conditions of the Industrial Age. It complemented the nation-state because it facilitated the concentration of military power in the hands of those running it at a time when the magnitude of force brought to bear was more important than the efficiency with which it was mobilized.” -


Operation Mockingbird


Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as almost an ideal training ground for why the US gov’t allow such freedom of owning cryptocurrencies competitive to the US dollar. Well because this is an ideal training ground to train the public to become accustomed to a digital currency.


What is a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)?

  Central bank digital currencies are digital tokens, similar to cryptocurrency, issued by a central bank. They are pegged to the value of that country’s fiat currency.

What is Digital Money?

  Digital money is the digital representation of value. The public sector can issue digital money called central bank digital currency – essentially a digital version of cash that can be stored and transferred using an internet or mobile application. The private sector can also issue digital money. Some forms can be redeemed for cash at a fixed face value. These are fully backed with very safe and liquid assets and are usually referred to as e-money. Stablecoins can be a form of e-money, but also come in other designs whose value is more volatile. Crypto assets, such as Bitcoin are issued win their own denominations and are especially volatile – too much to be consider a form of digital money (they are usually considered an investment asset).


People are married to the legal money of the state. They need to keep the new currency as close to the norm as people are used to as possible. It’s very subtle that people do not notice the change. The financial system died in 2008. Every title to every asset would be held in digital form and then it would broken down into itty bitty pieces. If your holding all of your wealth on your phone which make it super easy to spent. That will inspire you to spend your equity and before you know you will own nothing and you will be happy.





The Soviet journalist and KGB propagandist, Yuri Bezmenov, who defected to Canada in 1970, is well-known for his ideas on ideological subversion. Instead of employing military force, he described this process as being gradual and subtle, altering how people think and behave.


1. Demoralization:This is the 1st stage of ideological subversion and is characterized by a long-term process of undermining the moral and spiritual values of society. This stage can take several years to complete, and it is designed to waken the society’s sense of self-worth and to create a sense of apathy and cynicism.


2. Destabilization: This is the 2nd stage of ideological subversion and is characterized by a short-term process of creating political and economic instability. This stage is designed to waken the society’s ability to resist external control and to create a sense of chaos and confusion.


3. Crisis: This is the 3rd stage of ideological subversion and is characterized by a period of intense conflict and upheaval. This stage is designed to create a crisis in the society, which can be used to justify the implementation of external control.


4. Normalization: This is the 4th and final stage of ideological subversion and is characterized by the establishment of a new political, social, and economic system. This stage is designed to create a sense of acceptance and normalization of the new system among the population, and to solidify external control over the society.


  In peer to peer cryptocurrencies transactions in a marketplace setting the medium for transactions to take place would most likely be mobile phones. In order to bypass the long string of characters that represents your public key a QR code is likely scanned to facilitate a more convenient method. Whereas a barcode is a machine-readable optical image that contains information specific to the labelled item, the QR code contains the data for a locator, an identifier, and for web tracking. The functional purpose of the QR code system was to facilitate keeping track of the types and numbers of automobile parts because of faster reading of the optical image and greater data-storage capacity in applications such as product tracking, item identification, time-tracking, document management, and general marketing the system was applied beyond the automobile industry.

  Have you noticed how QR codes are applied in everyday life? They can be used link a user to a webpage, connect to a wireless network, compose an email or text message but can also be alternative to an airline boarding ticket. To understand the implications of this technology and the medium of its use: mobile phones, understand that your phone is constantly spending messages to Telco Towers say ‘here I am please verify me at this time and location’, when a company asks for your phone number for whatever reason that unique digital footprint is the equivalent of your DNA. Every time you use a QR code let’s imagine that you are the product being kept track of, what you are doing with that QR code, the time and location of what you are doing.

  Do you remember your trauma from the Vaccine Passport? The goal is a digial ID no more gov’t IDs, no more health cards, no more SIN cards allowing you to legally work. All your documentation will be in your Digital IDs, it will come under the guise of convenience but also at the expense of self-autonomy and privacy. The Tyranny being prepared for you wasn’t available at anytime in history until now.





Not your keys not your crypto is mantra constantly repeated in the industry to re-enforce self-custody more particularly in the Bitcoin space. The idea being that blockchain transactions are immutable that once sent cannot be reversed. With stablecoins such as Tether and Circle they have repeatedly shown that they have the ability to freeze assets within a wallet. Tokens on any blockchain are simply a reference to a database that keeps track of which address holds a certain amount of tokens. The token contract is responsible for managing this database. Because of this authority of the token contract modifications can be made to block access, confiscate tokens or burn tokens entirely. As some people have experienced bank runs and quickly found out that the money in the account is not their money that’s the bank’s money. Your USDT, USDC is not really yours if it can be taken without your consent by a centralized authority. The DeFi ecosystem is becoming more and more restrictive with geo-blocking of countries of OFACs blacklist. Wasn’t this supposed to be the future without borders as the Sovereign individual bypasses State control? That’s kind of odd the Ethereum ecosystem caters to a select few and as the destruction of the Western Civilization participation in the DeFi system is not for North America. Most people are blinded by the carrot to consciously realize a system forming around them that makes them a slave in a new way. But the correlation between dwindling quality of life from government fiat and the lifestyle of being crypto rich are never fully realized.






  The tokenization of cryptocurrency assets which this cycle has been defined by Real World Assets is the commodification of assets that are tangible and intangible. Bitcoin is called digital gold and has shifted from peer to peer transactional currency to a stock or bond that is only used for large purchases or viewed as some type of property. By this definition Bitcoin as an asset is illiquid not meant to buy coffee with or small transactions which within it's script doesn't align with fractional account or a Satoshi 0.00000001 of a Bitcoin. I know from experience you can buy a coffee with Bitcoin though at the best of times your fee is lower than the cost of a cup but other times you could be waiting a week for 1 confirmation or paying an exorbitant fee that is not economically feasible. The Meta Verse is not an failed experiment of Meta, the same as Blockchain games that resemble Minecraft where you can buy land, buy your house, create an NFT to tokenize can item or character are no coincidence. Your are being trained for commodification of RWAs digitized to give you a glimpse of the Carbon Market ecosystem. Most traders in the cryptosphere lose money, what happens to your assets when they are digital and with the flick of your phone you can play in the DeFi market with your RWAs?

 Do you remember Steam machines? Well back in the day when Steam wanted to appeal to the Console market by creating the Steam OS and integrating it on customizable computers meant to look like consoles. It was not a success the console buyer had too many options, this is not what they were accustom to with one console from Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft. Eventually Valve just copied a successful console the Nintendo Switch which had an appeal to both PC gamers as well as console gamers. There are over 20,000 variations of cryptocurrencies and the people long for centralization, this is what they know. Most users of cryptocurrencies don't use them as currencies. Bitcoin and Ethereum are not suited for this purpose because of fees and Transactions per Second. The cryptocurrencies that are suited as currencies are too niche or their parallel economies are so small within their tribe for normal commerce. I concede that there is a certain amount of Moneroj that I would cap my portfolio at because within it's circular economy there are only so many things that I would like to buy and many things that aren't available that I would like to buy. Sure I could buy international credit cards that allows me to buy anything but I did not take a stance just to go running back when it was convenient.






  As cryptocurrencies go I would accept XMR to use just like cash, BCH and LTC would be used to just like cash except more volatile and lack of privacy however I would rate BCH higher because of their dynamic block sizes compared to LTC's privacy MimbleWimble implementations. In regards to drawing the line with Centralized layer ones and therefore stablecoins pegged to the USD I won't use USDT or USDC on Solana or Tron networks or any network for that matter. What I know isn't working, I didn't go searching for alternatives just to copy the same system that was failing me. I'd be open to XNO, ZANO, FIRO and WOW not to use in any P2P capacity but coins to speculate on that have utility.

  Rome is burning right? Rather than grind out your nine to five, you should be speculating in this transitional period but it is a fallacy to assume smooth sailing in the turbulent storm to come. Back in the day an author name Daniela published a post where a disaster had hit and that a Bitcoiner had lost everything and had to become a refugee but all that person needed to retain their wealth was to remember their 12 word seed. This assumes the Internet protocol is still active now why wouldn't it be? Did you think CloudStrike incident was an accident? Klaus has been prophesying for years that we need to be wary of cybersecurity attacks and blackouts. I imagine if the grid went down for an extended period of time you would have greater concerns than your nest egg for the future. For myself when my internet does go down, I don't know what to do with myself.

  Take a self imposed break from the internet just go dark and come back when your ready. Don't get addicted the matrix it is not real life and if your real life does depend on it, may I suggest branching out if possible. Turn your power off for a day or two and see how you manage. Start downloading a piece of the Internet with HTTrack a website copier to tide you over until the grid comes back. This program allows you to copy an html format of a website locally and browser the internet as if it were on. Have an alternative power source separate from the grid so you can power your laptop, phone for entertainment. 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. The grid is meant to make you dependent on it have a backup for everything.

  If you got debanked today how long could you make it? Bullion and cryptocurrencies are illiquid meaning that when Shit Hit the Fan societal norms are thrown out the window and survival necessities are priority. People are trained to marry legal tender of the state. Have cash on hand because that is what people are going to accept when the interac machines go down. Try to trade some bullion with someone not familiar, good luck trying to trade for market value. Back up your government IDs (driver's license/ ID card), Birth Certificate (Slave Numbering system) and Health Card or equivalent if a catastrophic event visits your neck of the woods (Directed Energy Weapons/ Gov't Plausible Deniability). At least you will have backup of your identity to migrate somewhere else. Bitcoin will be the least of your worries.














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Shisō hanzai-sha

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A private matter is something one doesn't want the whole world to know, but a secret matter is something one doesn't want anybody to know. Privacy is the the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world. Therefore, privacy in an open society requires anonymous transaction systems. An anonymous system empowers individuals to reveal their identity when desired and only when desired; this is the essence of privacy.

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