
Hodling 11 shitcoins - week 16 - crypto dips, shitcoins HOLD

Hi once again,

The market suffered a nasty little correction few days ago, almost all shitcoins were hit and dropped in value. Despite that, the value of the portfolio is still high. Let's take a look shall we?

Also kind of misleading title as most of these shitcoins dipped haha.

Don't do this at home, or do, probably don't.

Table of current value:

Let's look at how the table looks.


Well shit.

Everything, as expected, dipped when the big coins saw a correction, most of the tokens hovered between 10-25% but some (looking at you cashcow) got hit harder. Cumrocket and cashcow along with Green Shiba Inu got hit with <-25% corrections. Memepad was the sole token that was able to keep the line as it spiked heavily last week and didn't suffer as much from these dips. Memepad going up in value made the entire portfolio able to keep its value. This is why you diversify. Or well, buy several shit coins.



Kuma got taken off its pedestal by the latest dog craze it would seem, Dogelon mars (hate that name). Elon holds roughly a third of the portfolio while Kuma rests around a fourth along with memepad. The reamining 8 coins share 15%.

Best/worst perfomer


Cashcow (currently un-tracked at coinmarketcap), sits at roughly -95%. ELON has taken over the spot as the most profitble shitcoin, knocking down KUMA from its throne. 



The dip is barely noticeble on the chart, memepad held the entire portfolio up. This is were most holders get blinded by their loss or potential profit, try going to a subreddit to twitter dedicated to one of these coins and talk to them, it's amsuing and kind of scary how cult-ish these people can get.

Investments are just that, investments. This portfolio has a special place in my cold little heart, but if I wanted to I can sell all of these off for a fairly nice profit and move on. Don't get caught up in coins just because they make you some money, there will always be more. Find a solid project to shill, not a shitcoin because it made you 10$.

Thank you for reading and remember, don't buy shitcoins, or do. They seem to be better than gambling.

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