Splinterlands Weekly Challenge Battle BATTLE MAGE SECRETS! Shades of Gray and winning by combining Void and Shield

By jfang003 | jfang003 | 12 Aug 2024

Every week there is a Splinterlands challenge to share a rule set using a specific card and on this week's post it is a battle with the Shades of Gray rule set. I also encourage Splinterlands players to partake in the challenge because you get to try different strategies and earn some crypto in the process.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

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The ruleset this time is Shades of Gray and Noxious Fumes. This means only neutral monsters can be used and all monsters start off poisoned. There is also 99 mana available and I am left with the choice of fire, earth, life, or death splinter but this only applies to the summoner due to the ruleset.

The summoner I chose to use this time is Immortalis. It decreases health by 1 on my opponent. It also gives void and shatter to all of my monsters.


I plan to use Cursed Windeku as my tank for the sheild and thorns ability. My 2nd monster is a reach monster with decent health. Xenith Monk is my backup tank with heal so it won't die from the poison. I put another high-health monster in my 4th spot and it will gain some magic attack due to my 5th monster with weapons training. My last monster is another no attack monster but it has immunity and it also gains magic attack.

Round 1

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At first glance, I think that I have an advantage in this match because I have a monster with immunity. Other than that, I have a decent shield tank up front with the void from my summoner. So my opponent won't be able to damage me much. The only downside is the taunt monster in the back. So I won't be able to focus my damage on the frontmost monster.

Round 3

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I skipped forward to the 3rd round because not much happened during the first two rounds. I was trading blows with my opponent but my opponent couldn't deal much damage to me. So I slowly whittled down the tank and taunt monster that my opponent had.

Round 4

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The poison and my monsters were able to take out three monsters. So at this point, this fight is my win. I don't see any chance of my opponent surviving because the shatter will remove the armor and my damage dealers are still alive.

I won the match a few rounds later without any issues.


The battle went exactly as I expected. My choice to use a shield tank with the void from my summoner made it so that my opponent couldn't deal much damage. With this, I was able to keep my monsters alive and I had an extra immunity monster in the back to add some extra damage. With that, I was able to win the match without too many issues. The taunt monster did mess things up for me but I was glad that my opponent didn't have many monsters that could damage me.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players play in a ruleset.

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