Splinterlands Weekly Challenge Battle BATTLE MAGE SECRETS! Reverse Speed and losing a close match due to a miss

By jfang003 | jfang003 | 29 Jul 2024

Every week there is a Splinterlands challenge to share a rule set using a specific card and on this week's post it is a battle with the Reverse Speed rule set. I also encourage Splinterlands players to partake in the challenge because you get to try different strategies and earn some crypto in the process.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

rule set.pngThe ruleset this time is Reverse Speed and FabFour. This means that the turn order is reversed such that lower speed monsters move first and only 4 monsters can be used. There is also 19 mana available and I am left with the choice of fire, life, or dragon splinter.

The summoner I chose to use this time is Tarsa. It increases my health and melee damage by 1.


I plan to use Antoid Platoon as my first tank for the shield. My 2nd monster is Radiated Brute for the reach ability and as a backup tank. Gobalano Soldier is one of my damage dealers with sneak and ambush. My last monster is Uraeus as a sneak monster.

Round 1

round 1.png
At first glance, I think that this match is an even match. Both I and my opponent are using Tarsa so it will just depend on who can deal more damage. I have one extra damage dealer but my opponent has a dodge monsters as a filler.

Round 2

round 2.png
My opponent lost one monster but I also missed two attacks this round. It doesn't bode well for me but I still think there is a chance that I can win. I don't think my chances are that great at dodging any attacks though because my opponent has lower level monsters and they will attack first.

Round 3

round 3.png
It's not looking great for me as I lost two monsters. I am at a slight disadvantage so it will depend on whether or not I can dodge an attack or not. If I can't, then I will lose this match.

I lost a few rounds later because I couldn't dodge any attacks. It was a close match with just one health left on my opponent's monster.


The battle did not go as I expected. I missed too many attacks during the first round and that caused me to lose by 1 damage on the final round. It was still a good match and I would have still went for the same lineup next time. I do think that the slight advantage that my opponent had from using lower level cards did help him slightly. Either way, I think this was a great match and I was just unlucky in this match. I guess that filler monster with dodge did its job.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players play in a ruleset.

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