My Brave Experience has been...... .   .     .

~OK, So I admit it… I might have been a little reluctant to try Brave. Yeah, I’m aware of BAT and think having crypto that’s incorporated into a browser sounds cool, but there’s only like what ‘200 gazillion trillion’ different alt tokens out there… whoopee!

Browser tokens?
Wow dude, cool…


And so, that’s where I left it. BAT? Yeah sure…whatever… it’ll never take off. 

Then one day, you tempt fate, old BAT is “catching on” after all, it seems. So you finally download the browser and…

You meet BRAVE.

Now, I can attest to the fact that BRAVE isn’t unfamiliar. If you use Chrome, you’ll love the UI and Chrome-like feel. Other than icons where we normally have buttons, it’s like chrome, kinda just like the Nelson twins. If you know what I’m talking about…? One was more browsier than the other?

So now, here I am… I like Brave, it’s a powerful tool to browse the internet with and actually helps me get things done faster. Not even kidding. That was not fluff writing. On websites I visit, I had to do a double take. The ads were gone and I was like…”Where am I?” lol

The overall user experience has been great. I think BRAVE is a great way to browse browsier....

Actually, between you and me, I like the speed of BRAVE. On a few sites that I visit, load times have become very quick.

The main reason for that? BRAVE doesn’t load the ads and most of the lag I had before using BRAVE was from ad load times, so there was a noticeable difference. Again, Brave lets you browse… Browsier? (Trying to think of a slogan here) BRAVE Lets you browse much browsier...than ever before?

BAT? Oh yeah, BAT is actually pretty cool.

Not too bad for a browser based currency.

BAT climbed up the charts much faster than I expected. I think it may have a better chance than I originally thought and although it still has a long way to go, BAT could potentially be in the top 10.


The crypto hemisphere is constantly evolving. Trends and ideas are on a constant uptick. New platforms and blockchains, faster speeds and more security are the main items of research.

The fact is, the majority of crypto enthusiasts and traders spend a tremendous amount of time researching and studying all these new coins, tokens, trends and tech that emerge on a daily basis. How we do that has always been a bit of a challenge. You can't browse at the speed in which you think. Brave however tries to keep up by letting you browse much browse-ier... 😆

I know when I read about a new crypto or find one on an exchange, I’m almost immediately on my browser, checking the information about whichever currency catches my eye.

Is it on a swap?

When was the release?

What is it’s premise?


Community? Price? History charts? More browsier?

You know the deal. You gather as much information as you can and spend a good amount of your time jumping from one place to another, before taking a plunge with any investment.

Time is money and your time better be well spent.

The few things that always drove me crazy, but doesn’t anymore, was site load speeds, screen clutter, ads next to buttons, slow graphs, and basically not being browsierish enough.

Nothing is worse than trying to learn about a project while waiting for a website to load ads, or trying to mash a “yearly” graph button while playing chicken with ads you really don’t care about.

With all the new tech and all the new currencies and trends, the idea of moving along at a faster pace while doing research, almost would seem like a sci-fi experiment.

…Then along came BRAVE

In the matter of a download and few quick clicks, you can experience a much faster browser, clutter free websites, easier navigation and ad free distractions.

When you need to learn, the last thing you need are things that slow you down.

The Brave browser has reshaped my experience with the internet.

I’ve gone from frustration to motivation.

From being bothered to unbothered.

From playing chicken with poorly placed ads, to mashing that “yearly” graph button without visiting a dating site for crypto singles.

I desire speed and Brave has delivered.

Not only do I now have less frustration but a cleaner workspace too.

The articles I read are now easier to read.





Websites I visit are now ad free and when I’m on a hunt for information, BRAVE makes my job easier and browsier.

Let’s face the facts. Brave is where its at. Better. Faster. Smarter and better privacy.

Get BRAVE and free yourself...


Get BRAVE and Get Browsier...?

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Jeffrey Allen Kaufman
Jeffrey Allen Kaufman

Jeffrey Allen Kaufman: Writer, Chef, Outdoorsman, Creative Copy, Script and branding expert. Passionate about startups, sailing ⛵, and delivering impactful content. Contact: [email protected]

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