Why I SwitchToBrave

By jadams2k18 | jadam2k18 | 18 Aug 2019

It's not really that I switched to Brave. I usually use 4 browsers at the same time. Why do I do it? For several reasons: I like to keep my google accounts separate. Obviously, Chrome comes with an option to create multiple sessions and use the same browser with separate accounts. But it tends to confuse me...

For me, it's better to have Firefox for a specific account, plus there are some government pages from my country that need to be opened exclusively with this browser.

A long time ago, I installed a browser called Brave and it was a total disaster. I'm talking when I didn't even come with the BAT option. So I decided to uninstall it.

Again recently (maybe a few months ago) a friend sent me a link to download a new browser. To my surprise, I realized that it was the same Brave and I felt unwilling to install it from my previous experience. However, my friend insisted so much that I decided to install it.

I realized then that I had really improved. Brave is a very fast browser and at the moment of installing it, it imported all the Chrome data, including Metamask and other extensions. So I didn't need to be remembering the pages I was browsing.

From my point of view, it has been an excellent browser since I installed it. However, I continue to use Chrome for some pages that, due to incompatibility, require Chrome. Generally, it's due to the use of extensions that don't work at all in Brave.

The great thing about Brave, in addition to its browsing speed, is that it contains a built-in ad blocker, so it doesn't need to be installing extra extensions. As is the case with Chrome. You can see, in the next image, the difference between both browsers.


In this one, we can see the Publish0x platform, seen from Brave vs Chrome. By the way, I didn't know it had those ads there (hehehe). It was only when I turned off the Adblock extension from Chrome that I could see the annoying ads floating around the page.



I recommend using Brave, especially for Youtube and other pages that are hung or delayed when opened with Google Chrome. You really won't regret it. A piece of advice from a person who finds it hard to accept changes.

Thank you for joining me.

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