Did I just get trolled by Putin?

In my article on the Impact of WW3 on Crypto, I received a very interesting comment.

What would be the impact of World War III on the Crypto Market?

It went something like this:
Пока всё выглядит логично :

  1. Россия не нападала на Украину, но Украина обязательно должна перестать защищаться.
  2. Специальная операция — это не война, а вот экономические санкции — это война.
  3. Война началась для того чтобы не началась война.
  4. Призывников не отправляли в Украину, но некоторые из них там умерли.
  5. Роддом разбомбили, потому что там сидели нацисты, переодетые беременными женщинами, но его всё равно не бомбили.
  6. Специальная операция проходит по плану, войска не встречают сопротивления, но за 20 дней получилось только захватить Херсон и окружить Мариуполь.
  7. Все украинские самолёты были уничтожены ракетами на аэродромах. Но спустя 2 недели Украина подло бомбила Беларусь.
  8. Желать смерти украинцам можно по российскому ТВ, но желать смерти российским оккупантам в Фейсбук — это экстремизм.
  9. Российские войска воюют не с мирными жителями, а с нацистами. Всеми 40 миллионами нацистов во главе с президентом Евреем.
  10. Мы нападаем на Украину из-за чувства: мы боимся нападения. Вы будете удивлены, но это легко умещается и на полном серьезе сосуществует в головах у значительной части россиян……


Now I do speak multiple languages, but not this one. Although the virtual handwriting looked very familiar, I needed to ask my friend Google to double-check.

This is what Google told me:
So far, everything looks logical:

  1. Russia did not attack Ukraine, but Ukraine must definitely stop defending itself.
  2. A special operation is not a war, but economic sanctions are a war.
  3. The war began so that the war would not start.
  4. Conscripts were not sent to Ukraine, but some of them died there.
  5. The maternity hospital was bombed because the Nazis were sitting there dressed as pregnant women, but it was still not bombed.
  6. The special operation is proceeding according to plan, the troops do not meet resistance, but in 20 days they only managed to capture Kherson and surround Mariupol.
  7. All Ukrainian planes were destroyed by missiles at airfields. But 2 weeks later, Ukraine vilely bombed Belarus.
  8. You can wish death on Ukrainians on Russian TV, but wishing death on Russian invaders on Facebook is extremism.
  9. Russian troops are fighting not with civilians, but with the Nazis. All 40 million Nazis led by the President Jew.
  10. We attack Ukraine because of a feeling: we are afraid of an attack.

Now in all honesty I quickly scanned the translation and came to the conclusion that this must have been Putin replying to my article in Person. Or one of his trolls sharing his Point of View.

Now I respect all opinions, as long as it´s yours and you thought about it yourself. But after the initial scan, and I know I read too quickly I was a bit confused.

The Bottom Line

So I read it once more and then noticed this last sentence, which I overlooked the first time due to the let's say inspiring messages found in points 1 to 10:

You will be surprised, but it fits easily and in all seriousness coexists in the minds of a significant part of Russians ......

The worst thing about it is this guy is right. I initially really thought this was Putin (or his troll army) reaching out to me to share their perspective. And this perspective is what is fed to all Russians through their national media.

Now I must admit I compared Putin to Hitler, but I also wrote that I do understand that Russia is being caged in by NATO which was not what has been agreed upon years ago between NATO and the Warschau pact. Hence, I tried to be funny and objective at the same time (which is kinda mission impossible).

Stop scanning and start reading you fool

It took me a third time, to now slowly read the comment and find the full-on satire that was shared here.

I still believe there are at least 3 sides to every story, and I should not scan texts and form an opinion right away.

I should always doubt my own Bias fed by the world I am living in and take a second look at what I am being fed.
I honestly thought during that first scan I was reading pure Russian Propaganda, which makes this an even greater bit of satire as the initial joke was on me.

Hope you enjoyed the bit of satire, if so hit that like button so many more can enjoy.


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