Let's face it 2020 has been one seriously wild ride. One in which many generations that come after us most likely will not have to deal with and I hope they don't. With countries shutting down, job losses at all time highs and businesses shutting off 401ks and other benefits the stock market continued to rise after it's quick fall in early 2020.
The stock market was due for a correction back in 2020 and when it hit it hit fast. Many saw their 401ks or investments chopped in half or worse within a matter of a few days. This unfortunately puts people into a panic to sell off thinking the world is going to end. (and seriously if you think that then you should just keep your money in the stock market because it's not going to matter anyways lol)
However even with how unique of a situation we where in and still are in it's important to remember when theirs blood in the streets and everyone starts panic selling that's actually the time to buy. I can't even tell you the number of stocks I picked up this year that have already pushed out 50% or better in the few months I had them and these are big dividend paying stocks. Some of which I now earn 15% or better on 15%! that's crazy.
But that's not why I'm writing today. Instead I wanted to show a few stocks that I feel have potential for a massive upswing still as the vaccine rolls out and the world begins to open up again.
DISCLAIMER: This article is for entertainment purposes only and is not investment advice. Please do your own research and seek professional advice before investing and understand the risks involved.
NIO saw a huge spike this year that started in July and continued to pick up speed. If you where lucky enough to buy this at the start of the year or before you're now seeing 1,000% gains on that investment. While it pays no dividend yield this is still a possible heavy growth stock due to the recent pull back it had over the last few days. This pull back could spell a good buy in opportunity.
NIO is a China stock so those who are not interested in that be advised on that. It is a design, manufacture and sale of electric vehicles a direction china is heading in to overcome it's major pollution issue and to become less reliant on oil.
It is also a company heavy on AI and autonomous driving. Pretty much think of it as the tesla of China and the potential of buying tesla early on.
Pfizer has always been a good stock and many people hold it. It's a staple of good investment over the long run. While it saw the same crash of stocks in 2020 it quickly regained and is now an approved company to manufacture the vaccine which means more government money for the company. We all know how overly wasteful those government contracts are as any company will suck every dollar they can from them. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't profit from it.
The recent small pull back on this one could also spell for a buying op before this stock takes off in 2021 as vaccines roll out. I see this one being a short term growth and not long term at the moment. However you could add it to your long term dividend as it pays a 3.69% yield at current prices. Short term growth but long term I believe you will see a small increase in the dividend over 2021 landing you a near 4% dividend yield moving forward. Not bad.
All in all remember this is not professional advise and is only meant for entertainment purposes. Please always do you own research and understand the risks before investing.