Banano Miner Update: New Mining Interface

This amazing program that is tested and proven paying has a new mining interface. Check it out! With this new mining interface, it only proves that it is constantly improving.

Sign up first to this referral link.

After you clicked this link, it will redirect you to the Banano Mining site. You must create a wallet ID first to start mining which you will paste there where it asks for the wallet ID.

Click the "online wallet" link located at the upper right corner and you'll be redirected to create a Banano Wallet ID where the miner will be sending the requested withdrawal amount you will process later on.


Or just simply click this link to create a web wallet

If you want a downloadable mobile app for this wallet, please click this one:

Please be mindful of the SEED and Mnemonic Phrase when creating your wallet (account).

Make sure to secure them into a notepad and save it on a folder with a password. Or send it thru SMS or a text message using your local telephone network to another number that you still own as well when using a mobile phone. Tedious but just really careful for the safety of your funds later.

Once you are able to copy your wallet ID, then go back to the miner site or click this link again to paste your wallet ID here.

Then please do not forget to click the "START" button to proceed mining Banano now.

Please change your settings here to increase the amount of Banano bing mined using your PC or Mobile phone.


Let it run in the background as another tab opened. The miner stops if the browser got closed.

For miners who uses mobile phones, please change your Internet settings and deactivate the "Data Saver" option. This automatically stops your browser from downloading and uploading data if the miner is not in the active window if "Data Saver" is currently activated. The main tool needed for this miner is your phone's CPU and internet connection. So skip this program if your mobile phone is not capable of always being online/connected unless you do have hundreds of referrals to let you earn 10 Banano to cash out even if you are not mining.

Check Google how to deactivate or activate Data Saver for mobile phone users of this miner.

This is from Google:

Turn OFF Data Saver

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Chrome app .
  2. At the top right, tap More Settings.
  3. Under "Advanced," tap Data Saver.
  4. Turn ON/OFF Data Saver.

Remember if you really have a stable internet connection using a WiFi, and really wanted to mine Banano then turn it OFF!

Even if you pressed exit, it will still mine Banano.

Just to give miners some motivation. It can actually let you mine 18,000 Banano per day and let you withdraw your daily earnings (only 2x per 24 hours). 18,000 Banano is equivalent to $20 and this person acquiresit daily. Now it's 22,000 Banano per day. A supercomputer perhaps? Or just a lot of referrals. Well, if he can do it then so can we.


This is a screenshot of the banano Blockchain where we will be able to see all transactions of each wallet addresses here just like etherscan and blockchain in BTC.

Here is the proof of cash out and also my first write-up about Banano Miner 1 week ago.

Banano (BAN) CPU Miner - Generate Money From Your PC & Mobile For FREE

You can also see here a lot of things you need to know about how to cash out as well as it would need you to open your wallet each time you cash out. It will also let you know the instructions how to exchange your Banano to BTC in Mercatox which is the most important process of all to make sure we receive all our earnings to our local wallets such as coinsph or coinbase in BTC.

Share your referral link to friends and family for you to be able to earn more Banano just like what I am doing. Our efforts will not put into waste.

Thank you so much for the trust and yes, I have already cashed out here 10x. at this moment of writing.

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And of course grateful for the "support".












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