
Ecoin - The hot new crypto for everyone

By Blockchain Guru | Internet 3.0 | 23 Feb 2020

For starters its free to sign up and you get 1250 Coins with a future value of $125

What is ECOIN?

Ecoin is a fast growing cryptocurrency powered by AI 

What gives it value?

US and that  its a network of users

Why is Ecoin growth unstoppable?

They have a goal to reach 100 million users which will spread the value

How does it work?

Ecoin is based on EOS blockchain and can run as many as 5000 Tx per sec x800 times faster than bitcoin

They have a 1 Trillion supply 500 billion are locked and 600 billion is distributed among its users.


They arent going to do an ICO so there is no worries of a pump and dump scheme.

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