Golden Perspectives on Global Topics
Golden Perspectives on Global Topics

Golden Perspectives on Global Topics

This blog focuses on providing you with my thoughtful perspectives and opinions on various topics which include science, nature, technology, cryptocurrency, economics, and more! In each post, I will take and expound on a particular topic with my own perspective. Each post is meant to inspire readers to reflect on their own perspectives about a certain topic of discussion.

The HODLing Challenge is Real

3 Mar 2022 2 minute read 0 comments CryptoRealm

Ever since the dawn of Bitcoin and Ethereum, many attractive crypto assets have begun to rule the market such as Cardano (ADA), Terra (LUNA), and Decentraland (MANA). However, there was one question that always bugged my mind. What happened to the HO...

How Has the APY Competition Changed the "Meaning" of a DAO?

23 Feb 2022 5 minute read 0 comments CryptoRealm

What if could place your money in an investment that earns more than ONE TRILLION PERCENT APY? Is this TRUE or NOT TRUE? The answer is BOTH. AND if you have invested all of your money, your food, and your clothes, you might just be left in your under...

The Time and Crypto Paradox for Crypto Investors

14 Jan 2022 3 minute read 0 comments CryptoRealm

You've probably heard of the saying "time is money" which was a phrase that was coined originally by Benjamin Franklin. It's a saying that is easy to remember and talk about in the workplace during a short lunch break. And it couldn't be more true fo...

What Happened to the Singers?

13 Jan 2022 3 minute read 0 comments CryptoRealm

I know what you might be thinking. What do you mean by "singers"? Of course, we see singers all around the news and social media. We enjoy our favorite songs on our smartphones and some of us attend live events which host these singers. But, the "sin...

The Token of Thanks Just Became Real

23 Nov 2021 1 minute read 1 comment CryptoRealm

Giving thanks or gratitude for something has been done many times for many things throughout time. It has become second nature to say "thank you" for good things that were given to you such as food, awards, gifts, and more. There have even been phras...

What is the Best Laptop Computer for Investors?

2 Nov 2021 2 minute read 0 comments CryptoRealm

In the news there have been lots of discussions regarding the semiconductor industry.  Personal computers rely heavily on these components.  If you are planning to be a dedicated market investor, one of the most important pieces of equipment you can...

The SocialFi Revolution and How Torum Will Lead the Way

31 Oct 2021 3 minute read 2 comments CryptoRealm

The concept of communication has been changing and evolving as new innovations in technology have been introduced over the past few decades. In the realm of the internet, social media in particular has been a hotspot where web applications have redef...

How Could Liquid Coolant Be Important in the Crypto Industry?

30 Oct 2021 1 minute read 0 comments CryptoRealm

- What is Liquid Coolant? Liquid coolant is part of liquid cooling systems. The purpose of these systems is to reduce the internal temperature of a given device or equipment. The design of these liquid cooling systems and the liquids used as the cool...

What Does It Mean for an Investor to HODL?

28 Oct 2021 3 minute read 1 comment CryptoRealm

- Perceptions About HODLing If you sent a letter to a professional investor 100 years ago asking what "HODL" meant, they would probably assume that HODL was some kind of typographical error. They may have asked you for further clarification, or at th...

Switching from Traditional to Modern Investment Portfolios

26 Oct 2021 2 minute read 0 comments CryptoRealm

With the rise of new investment opportunities, especially in the crypto realm, many long-standing investors across many different markets have pushed various viewpoints on what could be considered an "optimal" investment portfolio. While there is no...