Pajeebear's Guide Towards $30 Dollar Trading Bonus. Get it while it's HOT!

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 24 Oct 2020

Having second thoughts in trading? If you know nothing yet in trading. You are reading the right article here. Because I will help you start from scratch with nothing! Let me say it again. I will help you start your trading journey with nothing. 

That is pretty much normal. For me trading is a gamble, there is a 50-50 chance anywhere you look. However the chance is yours to choose. And when there’s a choice, it’s better to look at it in a better position. Because, “what we see depends mainly on what we look for!”


That is why it is important to always study the chart and the trend. There is this popular Asian saying that goes, “Whoever it is that does not look back where he came from will not be able to reach his destination”. Now in this trading journey, it is important for you and me to always check the history and the pattern of trading prices. This way we won’t be having a 50-50 chance to win. Instead we will be getting a lot more probability to reach a profitable margin. From 50-50 to 80-20 . That is not so bad, isn’t it?


If you know nothing yet in trading. You are reading the right article here. Because I will help you start from scratch with nothing! Let me say it again. I will help you start your trading journey with nothing. No investment. But how do I do that? Well if you are still asking that question maybe you haven’t read my previous article yet. Read it here and you’ll be able to understand how.  and


Hey don’t worry it’s not clickbait.


So this post right here is how to sign up and get that $30 sign up bonus. That 30 dollar my friend is more than enough to get you started on this journey. If, yes if you trade wisely. Let me get you started with 10 steps on the how to.


  1. Go to the platform. You can type on your browser
  2. Click on the one that says “START WITH $30 FREE . Open a Live Account Here.”
  3. You will be routed to complete the form using your real name as they are displayed in your identity document.
  4. On the trading account details - I recommend the (MT5).
  5. On account type - I recommend the "XM Ultra Low Standard (1 lot = 100,000)
  6. You will then proceed to input your personal details.
  7. Set up a password and open your account.
  8. Upload and submit identification. Valid ID and proof of residency document.
  9. Check your email for approval. Wait 24 hours to get your $30 sign up bonus.
  10. Download the trading application on mobile phone or use the version for laptop and computer.


Once you received your bonus, and you got your trading application ready. You are now ready to set foot in the trading world. 


What are you waiting for?


Well, again  “what we see depends mainly on what we look for!” 

So if you think this is not for you, it’s fine. Be reminded I am not paid to endorse the platform. Out of my own will I’m sharing this because I want us to travel together in this trading journey.


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