Minepi - Emerging Latest Hyped Cryptocurrency

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 11 Jun 2019

Do you like to take the leap of faith?


If yes, then this is the right place to be reading something increadibly exciting.

Why? Because this post has something to do with faith and hope for a better way of earning cryptos.

Introducing Pi Network. It is said to be the very first digital currency that we can mine using our phone alone. You can simply mine on your phone without the fear of draining your battery.

It's invite only for now. If you're reading thru this post then it's you're lucky day because I will let you use my invite. It is because what you need is an invitation from an existing trusted member on the network and I'm one of them.

Let me make this very clear and concise with pros and cons below :

1. The pi network is new so the value is not yet available.
2. The value is not yet tradable.

1. There is literrally nothing to worry as it's investment free.
2. You can close the app and the mining will still continue. You only need to check the app and activate mining once a day or every 24 hours.

I know you have a lot of question. And yes that can be answered on the app as there are mods and admins available. Also FAQ's are readily available once you're done signing in.

How to get the APP?
- Just Simple go to Appstore or Google Playstore to download the app or you can click this minepi.com
- Once done downloading the app, you will be able to sign up for an account. It would soon ask for who invited you to the platform, simply put      "pajeebear".
- When you are done. Take a look at the platform. It is user friendly and very simple to use.




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@PajeeBear at Cent.co is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x

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