Have You Heard About ASIMI?

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 25 Feb 2020

Have You Heard About ASIMI?

If you haven't, now you do.

Asimi is a Utility Token which is designed specifically to purchase advertising on Hashing Ad Space. In addition, Asimi can be minted via of viewing this advertising. Asimi is traded on the Waves DEX exchange, where token holders can easily, buy, sell, or trade Asimi for other Crypto and Fiat currencies.


Do you want to earn ASIMI Tokens?

How do you earn ASIMI?

There are many ways to earn ASIMI but there is one simply thing you can do.Watching a 20 second advertisement.

Everyday you can click 25 maximum number of ads.


How to withdraw?

Just simply convert or trade ASIMI thru Waves.

Interested to earn? Register here

Interested to advertise? Click HERE

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