No surprise here: "XRP Holders Move Millions to Exchanges as Ripple Settlement Nears"

"XRP Holders Move Millions to Exchanges as Ripple Settlement Nears"


Recent large XRP transactions have stirred speculation among the cryptocurrency community, just days before Ripple’s settlement with the SEC.

I've always thought of Ripple XRP as the "Crypto Borg"


"Resistance is futile. Assimilation is inevitable..."

Submitted FYI.

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

In Lak'ech,


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I'm a single papa actively enjoying my varied passions (e.g., Writing, Disruptive Technology, Cryptocurrency, plus more hobbies too bizarre for most folk). I live on an island paradise with my teenage daughter, longtime girlfriend and three dogs.

(IJCH) Blockchain and Cryptos
(IJCH) Blockchain and Cryptos

IJCH - Inside JaiChai's Head (Meaning: My Warped, Personal Opinions and Musings on Blockchain and Cryptos)

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