Album art for Tool's demo cassette, 72826

The Much-Abridged Gospel of Brother Maynard

I'm not really sure where to put this (and it's too short for a decent post), so here goes nothing ...


It came to pass
That much rubbish was played in the music clubs upon the Earth,
But it pleaseth not the ear of our Dark Lord.
Then lo, Satan sayeth, "Let there be Maynard James Keenan", and it was so.
And Maynard did hear the output of the posers and fakers,
But it pleaseth him not.
And Maynard sayeth, "Dude, your music sucketh!"
And the fakers and posers sayeth, "Oh, really? Well, you do better then!"
Then Maynard formeth Tool and Tool did whippeth off them thine pants,
For 'tis most epic devil music.
And Satan was much pleased.
Then the fakers and posers did sitteth the fuck down
And shutteth the fuck up,
For they were most humbled.
Then Maynard did selleth his soul to maketh a record
And The Man was most pleased.
The end.

Post thumbnail: Album art for Tool's demo cassette

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Great White Snark
Great White Snark

I'm currently seeking fixed employment as a S/W & Web developer (C# & ASP .NET MVC, PHP 8+, Python 3), hoping to stash the farmed fiat and go full Crypto, quit the 07:30-18:00 grind. Unsigned music producer; snarky; white; balding; smashes Patriarchy.

The Snark Returns: Random Musings from The GWS
The Snark Returns: Random Musings from The GWS

SW/Web developer: ~12 years of C# (yay!) & ASP .Net MVC, Java (blargh!), Python (woot!) experience. I'm currently hitting faucets and writing for crypto to stake/invest . | I work part-time with animals. Sadly, my cerebellum and medulla oblongata aren't Einsteinian in proportion. However, I possess a Brobdingnagian vocabulary and get by with being a barbigerous logophile. I can probably write you into bed, if smashing Capitalism and Patriarchy turns you on. Kink is political!

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