Tri - Cactus Moon Pop Art

    This project started life off as an unfinished project. I remember wanting it to be a part of a space / aliens project, but I lost interest in it and left it to mellow on my laptop. I ran across it again today and decided to recycle this abandoned idea into something more appealing.

     As I eyeballed the unfinished digital design, the thought of a cactus popped into my mind. So, I altered one spot into one. Then I altered an already existing circle into a partially obscured Moon.

     Since Its been a while, I decided to add a pop art element to the project. So, I duplicated the image and did some color changing. The number 3 sounded like a nice number of squares. Placing them in a diagonal sounded even nicer in my head. But by doing so, the background seemed empty. I picked a gravel / pebble look to add some needed texture and filler.

     When it came time to sign this digital art project, I couldn’t decide on the color for my signature. So I used a bit of color from each square.


      When duplicating and changing the color of the Cactus Moon squares, I experimented by adding lighting effects, leaving out the clouds and choosing different color schemes. Since I liked the way they came out, but not what I wanted for this project, I’m thinking about saving them to maybe recycle them in a future piece.


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HamondStrabwary Art
HamondStrabwary Art

Sharing my mixed media art and writing about various things connected to each piece.

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