Qogecoin - Quantum Safe Dogecoin.

By Pluto2023 | hades_netherworld | 8 Sep 2022

Hello folks!


Today I'll talk a little about a coin that was released last year. If you are looking for a mineable and easy to obtain coin, Qogecoin is certainly a great option.

QOGE is a PoW coin, whose something is Yescryptr16 where mining with CPU and GPU is possible. The supply is only 100M and no premine. One of the characteristics of QOGE is to bring up the discussion of a defense against quantum computers. QOGE is one of the few coins working on quantum resistance. In the whitepaper there is more information on exactly how this works.

So in general it has a use case, besides being a coin meme, QOGE has potential and can even be used as a store of value due to the low supply. Currently QOGE is being traded on Exbitron and Finexbox. The prices are very affordable, it's possible to accumulate a large amount for a symbolic value. Currently meme projects are highlighted, I believe that QOGE deserves some attention precisely because it's a coin.

In short, QOGE is a great opportunity for anyone looking for speculative mining and currently working with one of the issues with few resolutions, which is the quantum resistance of computers. Here on github you can confirm that the QOGE team is serious about this purpose and works frequently. There is activity on discord as well.

Well, there would be a lot to describe here, but if I did, it would be boring. Then to find out more technical details and the real capabilities, maybe more use cases and expectations for QOGE. You can access the links below. There is information on the website about mining, pools, social, wallets, exchanges, explorer and github that are available.

This is all at the moment, DYOR every time you come across any project. QOGE deserves attention for the seriousness of the team, if you are interested, join QOGE on social.

See ya!

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