Do you know Kawkaw (KAW)?

By Pluto2023 | hades_netherworld | 7 Sep 2022

Hello folks!


I'm new here and I'm going to talk about cryptocurrencies with a lot of potential and promising. Today's coin is sure to please all of you.

Have you heard of Kawkaw? The presentation will be simple and some details won't be mentioned and people who are interested will be able to go deeper accessing the whitepaper. This will make this article more objective and less tiring.

Kawkaw is a decentralized PoW and Proof of Play(PoP) cryptocurrency with max supply 2,1 Billion, algo Kawpow and no premine. Launched this year whose proposal is all kinds of relationships with the gaming ecosystem, whether buying, developing and other activities. PoP is a reward modality for playing and ending up receiving a certain amount of KAW, simply by playing games. There are dev's rewards where 8% of each block mined to pog address will be sent 2% to gamers and 1% to stakers. Contact the KAW team on discord, your questions will surely be answered

I think supply isn't considered high compared to the other projects that are currently released, so it's possible to be getting KAW on several fronts, whether it's buying or playing or even mining. My opinion is that it's interesting to bet on KAW because it has a usecase where most current projects lack this. If you can't buy or even mining, playing is a good option, so you won't have arguments that you can't be part of the KAW community.

Kawkaw is already listed on some exchanges, such as Bitoreum and Ravendax. The volumes on these exchanges demonstrate the strong interest in accumulating KAW. Coinpaprika has already listed KAW.

To find out more you can access the bitcointalk thread, discord and site where contains all the links about explorer, mining pools, game server, socials, github, wallets and other things. The links are below, if you have any questions leave a comment.

There are more things to talk about and show, but the best thing is that everyone does their DYOR. That's it for now, if you are interested in receiving cryptocurrency to play with, for sure KAW is a good alternative. I hope everyone can participate or at least research about Kawkaw.




See ya!

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