Grand Strategy Games
Grand Strategy Games

Grand Strategy Games

Hello everyone! You will find here articles about the news of the so-called Grand Strategy video games! I hope you'll like it!

Civilization VI: Firaxis presents the new April update

14 Apr 2021 1 minute read 0 comments CocoLasticot

Civilization VI is a 4X game released in 2016. Since then, it continues to evolve through numerous updates and the release of expansions. Today, Firaxis presents its April update, which marks a turning point in the roadmap. Indeed, this update which...

Why play 4X?

9 Apr 2021 13 minute read 1 comment CocoLasticot

Why play a 4X instead of another video game? This is the question I will try to answer in this article. Indeed, 4X are for me one of my favorite types of video games with management and strategy games. And 4X games are strategy games. What is a 4X? L...

Crusader Kings III: Explanations for Beginners - Part 2

12 Mar 2021 5 minute read 0 comments CocoLasticot

Let's go for this second part on the basic explanations to start Crusader Kings III ! Previously, we had seen the interface of our character, the resources and the management of the domain. In this post, we'll take a closer look at the notions of own...

Crusader Kings III: Explanations for Beginners - Part 1

8 Mar 2021 8 minute read 0 comments CocoLasticot

Before giving you some tips on how to start a game of CK3, let's briefly remind you what this game is all about. Crusader Kings III is a medieval version of a "Civilization" strategy game: it offers the player a historical simulation over several cen...

Stellaris Nemesis: what to expect with the new DLC from one of the best space 4X?

28 Feb 2021 1 minute read 0 comments CocoLasticot

A long time ago, in a distant galaxy As a reminder, Stellaris is one of those games we call Grand Strategy, based on the principle of 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate). This game thus allows you to develop your civilization on a galactic...