Silver Coin

Would you sell something you value for Central Bank Digital Currency?

By X15 | Gold Silver Fiat & Crypto | 30 Dec 2023


    I guess I am truly a dinosaur, a fossil of times past. I'm someone who sells vinyl records I can honestly say I would NEVER sell a vinyl record for the illusion of electronic ledger fiat ghost money. As soon as I sell vinyl I buy something REAL. It find it quite a insult that central bankers believe people are going to give their REAL goods up for fake digital currency that has NO Value at all. 

    I would accept Bitcoin and other crypto over CBDC from central bankersea49d95712562809ac53d8d23e6943054edc4eb84f0046511f153dfb1fcab8f0.jpg. What an illusion. Worthless digital currency for hard goods. I cannot phantom why any person on this planet would accept CBDC for their goods. Unlimited creation, nothing involved in the creation and yet we are still told that it will  have value. NOT TO ME. 

    I suggest that people who have REAL goods will not part with them for fraud money of central banks, their fiat currency is dead and only fools will believe any system put forth by corrupt governments and corrupt central bankers will benefit anyone but them. 


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