fiat currency

59 Articles 0 Followers

If Ignorance was Money

14 Dec 2024 1 minute read 0 comments X15

So we are all living in the world of fiat fake money. Every where you turn fake money is exploding. Where does it all lead? Loss of confidence in the fiat currency! As well as loss of confidence in governments. So we see the faith in US dollars fadin...

Is Bitcoin Just Fiat Currency in Disguise?

26 Sep 2024 1 minute read 1 comment BreakdownFab

Further to my previous post, Igor commented that Bitcoin is a fiat currency. This got me thinking: could there be some truth to this statement? At first glance, it seems counterintuitive. Bitcoin was created as a decentralized alternative to traditio...

Silver, Gold, Bitcoin

15 Mar 2024 2 minute read 0 comments X15

Well there is little or no evidence that the Federal Reserve funny money system can do anything but continue to create fake  money out of thin air. So now as the world wakes up to worthless paper for real goods.  Coming to the realization that real g...

Bitcoin 62K, gold 2K, silver 23 dollars?

3 Mar 2024 1 minute read 0 comments X15

Did you see the billionaires selling their stock and what are they buying? How did bitcoin jump 32k or more in just a few days and gold and sliver rose a few dollars and a few cents. Jamie Diamond has said that gold and silver are relics, worthless,...

US Treasury to borrow 1 TRILLION Dollars (Can You Say FAKE MONEY)

30 Jan 2024 1 minute read 0 comments X15

I was reading a Zerohedge article (link below) that the US Treasury clown and ex Federal Reserve clown Janet Yellen plans to borrow 1 Trillion dollars. UM! Can you say banana republic. Can you say kick-backs, can you say con game, can you say out rig...

Currency losing wealth, Money retains wealth.

6 Jan 2024 3 minute read 0 comments X15

    Though out history when the money was defaced it has lost value and fallen into ruin and the issuing nations with them. Every fiat currency in the history of man has, as Voltaire stated, "All fiat currency returns to its intrinsic value, zero." ...

Would you sell something you value for Central Bank Digital Currency?

30 Dec 2023 1 minute read 1 comment X15

      I guess I am truly a dinosaur, a fossil of times past. I'm someone who sells vinyl records I can honestly say I would NEVER sell a vinyl record for the illusion of electronic ledger fiat ghost money. As soon as I sell vinyl I buy something REAL...

Something that is stable is not necessarily stable

17 Mar 2023 2 minute read 0 comments Alther

What is stable is not necessarily stable, that is the reality of world conditions. It must be remembered and understood concretely and fundamentally. Try to remember the trajectory of the following paragraphs with the conditions that have occurred so...

Stablecoins: What You Need to Know (Part 1)

23 Feb 2023 13 minute read 0 comments Todd Mei PhD

Recent and persistent criticisms by govenments about the actual stability of cryptocurrency stablecoins provides a good dose of caution; but it can also be misleading. Some stablecoins are designed better than others. Key questions revolve ar...

Do You Think Cryptocurrency May Fail Too

28 Nov 2022 1 minute read 2 comments stbrians

E Barter Flopped Barter trade did not meet certain qualifications. It flopped. Barter trade failed to determine properly the value of the goods to be exchanged.  Somebody did not know how much vegetables was equivalent to one cow.  Even if they co...