Gods Unchained Gameplay Video: Boosted Duelist

By servelle | Gods Unchained Gameplay | 14 Jul 2022

In this video I show the gameplay of a battle between Ludia Goddess of Deception and Auros God of War in the blockchain game #GodsUnchained. A properly boosted 1 mana creature ensured the victory.

I play Ludia with the power "Olpheo's Distraction" and my opponent chose "Slayer" for his God Auros.
The creature card I'm highlighting is the "Switch Duelist" which by switching its characteristics at the beginning of the turn presents interesting attack and defense abilities for a mana cost of 1.
The "Dark Knives" spell also has a mana cost of 1 and will double its characteristics.
This creature protected by my front lines will cause most of the damage.
The "Hunting Trap" spell and the "Vault Vagabond" creature also contributed to the victory.



Thanks for watching

Do not hesitate to try this game, it's free to play and you are given cards to start with, then it's easy to earn new ones by playing.
The site: https://godsunchained.com/

For more information see:
A good site for studying cards, creating or exploring decks:

Cross posted on Hive blog with french version:


Don't forget to visit my post on how I earned $1500 on this game:



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Cryptolover, investor, gamer, gambler.

Gods Unchained Gameplay
Gods Unchained Gameplay

In this blog i show gameplay videos of battles in Gods Unchained blockchain game.

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