Gods Unchained: Withdrawal time

By servelle | Gods Unchained Gameplay | 6 Jul 2022

I regularly present gameplay videos of the blockchain game #GodsUnchained on Hive, and today I show that it is really a #play2earn game.

This game is free, Free2play, but you can actually make money while playing and I was amazed at how much I made.
It's a card game a bit like Splinterlands but more dynamic and backed by the Eth blockchain, or more exactly Immutable X which is a Layer 2 solution for NFT on Eth without "gas" costs cost using the Metamask extension.


I don't play very often, but for more than a year, and while looking by chance on https://market.immutable.com/ I noticed that I had a consequent balance of IMX and GODS tokens, for more than $1500 that I decided to withdraw.


The withdrawal is not immediate to go from the Immutable X chain to the Eth chain, it takes about 12 hours and consumes some gas on your Metamask wallet, for a cost of about $2 per transaction at the current rate.


So I got my IMX and GODS tokens back on my Metamask wallet in layer 1 of the Eth chain, they became exchangeable against other cryptos.
I don't recommend the Metamask swap which has a high cost in fees and gas.
Looking on https://coinmarketcap.com/ I saw that I could make exchanges on the Kucoin site where I have an account.
I then sent my tokens there for a low gas cost, about $1 per transaction.


I sold my IMX and GODS tokens for about $1500 on Kucoin.


I don't give any advice, I just show that this game can make you win money, and as I said in my previous posts I play exclusively with cards won in game, I never bought any, I play in free2play mode.
I advise those who already play it or who have already played it to check their token balance, they might have a good surprise like me.

The link of the game is: https://godsunchained.com/

Kucoin link with referral:


Cross posted on Hive blog with french version:



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Cryptolover, investor, gamer, gambler.

Gods Unchained Gameplay
Gods Unchained Gameplay

In this blog i show gameplay videos of battles in Gods Unchained blockchain game.

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