ThisIsNumberOne - NFTs on Bitcoin courtesy Risidio

By Saurabh | Ghumat Trading | 4 Jun 2021

Risidio announced their collaboration with a British contemporary artist, Chemical X. Together, they developed ‘This is Number One’, one of the first NFT platforms in the world to use Bitcoin to mint multi-media art. #ThisIsNumberOne, a collaboration between @Chemical_X_Lab, @Risidio1 and @Stacks was launched recently. The inaugural #5s features work from supermodel and actress @Caradelevingne,  musicians DJ @FatboySlim, @DaveStewart of Eurythmics and the British dance music @orbitalband. The first of the five is by Chemical X alone.

NFTs built on Bitcoin are the most eco-friendly NFT option, as no new mining/transactions occur. The Proof of Transfer is a unique consensus mechanism that recycles BTC chain. Proceeds from the sales all go to a charity of the artist's choice and this one of the first partnerships with artists to create NFTs on Bitcoin.

#ThisIsNumberOne is unique in many ways:

  • Chemical X has previously worked on art projects with Banksy & Damien Hirst and this is his first NFT. He is known for making art out of ecstasy pills and selling for $100k.
  • Cara Delevingne NFT has a positive body message that talks about her vagina. She said of her piece: “I want this to remind people of how incredibly powerful they are, what a beautiful thing their bodies are, and to take pride in that.”
  • Brand new, specially written track by Fatboy Slim.

Read more about: NFTs on hypergrowth


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