Banks can push Bitcoin to clean up it's act, the same way drugs can help alcoholics to sober up

Warning; The following question is so dumb, it may cause severe brain damage and irreversible IQ loss. "Can banks push Bitcoin to clean up its act?"

Most people have no idea how polluting the banking industry actually is, let alone all the material and energy waste used for the production of paper bills and coins.


So who on earth could be this naive and hypocritical to ask such a misleading, illogical question? "It’s time for banks and asset managers to start pushing Bitcoin to clean up its pollution, Greenpeace argues in a new report." Uhhgg, never mind, it's just these obsolete guys again.

"Bitcoin is by far the most polluting cryptocurrency. That’s not just because it’s the biggest by market cap but because of the way the blockchain validates transactions." Oh you mean free from external meddling and centralized censorship? Yeah that's certainly something we want to put a price tag on.

Greenpeace isn’t asking these companies to divest from Bitcoin. Instead, it’s pushing for the blockchain to switch to a new way of validating transactions that gets rid of energy-sucking puzzles. That's great because we are not asking Greenpeace to divest from saving nature and the planet either. Instead, we are pushing them to switch their focus on actions that are really about to end our world as we've known it. You know, stuff like military omnipresence that's inching closer to global war, the facade of infinite growth on a finite planet, illegitimate sanctions that are not only starving people but reeking havoc on the country's environment, basically speaking everything the country Greenpeace US hails from is doing but they somehow managed to miss and practically never mention.

"BlackRock is a leader in the pack when it comes to asset managers’ support for Bitcoin... Its shareholdings in 18 Bitcoin mining companies were valued at more than $595 million...JPMorgan Chase & Co. was the leading Bitcoin supporter, according to the Greenpeace report. It controlled shares in 17 Bitcoin mining companies valued at more than $26 million." Hmmm, that is actually worrying. Out of the top six Bitcoin mining companies, three are US based. This is one of the reasons it was so disappointing when China banned Bitcoin mining and it was precisely at this point that US miners overtook Chinese.

Not that it matters which of the two has the biggest mining companies, the point is that just how you diversify your portfolio for various reasons, it's much healthier for Bitcoin to be diverse when it comes to whale wallets, developers and yes also miners. If anything, this angle Greenpeace US is currently going for proves exactly why.


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Geo-Political & Economical developments
Geo-Political & Economical developments

Things are almost never as they seem. If you sincerely think that world powers would spend their money and resources in order to just "help" citizens from foreign nations, you might want to ask yourself why they've been neglecting and out right murdering their own citizens for decades. What are their true motives for wanting to fund foreign (terror) groups, start global confrontations and wars? I'll let you in on a little secret; It has NOTHING to do with "human rights" nor "democracy".

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