There are some major astrological events at play in June 2021!
- June 2: Venus enters the sign of Cancer. Natal Mars conjuncts transit Mars. Mercury squares Neptune.
- June 10: solar eclipse in Gemini
- June 11: Mars enters Leo
- June 22: Mercury goes direct in Gemini
June 2: Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune
Venus will leave Gemini and enters into the sign of Cancer on June 2.
In ETH's natal chart, Venus (blue) is in the sign of Virgo at zero degrees and was in retrograde when ETH's genesis block was mined.
With transiting Venus (where Venus is at currently in the sky) we can see that Venus (orange) will be entering the 11th house.
So what makes Venus special?
Venus is known as "The Lesser Benefic" (Jupiter is "The Greater Benefic" if you're wondering) and represents small growth in financial astrology.
Cancer can be a caring, sensitive sign.
The 11th house in financial astrology in a company's chart can represent goodwill.
So on June 2 we have Venus (small growth) + Cancer (caring, sensitive) + 11th house (goodwill) = pretty good vibes, generally speaking.
Mars is doing some funny things.
If Venus is a minor benefic, then Mars is a minor malefic. It's not all gloom and doom though.
Mars can represent energy and competition. It helps to trigger long-term market movements too.
ETH's natal mars sits in the 11th house as well, at 23 degrees Cancer. The transiting Mars is also sitting around 23-24 degrees.
When a planet returns to the same position as it was in at its birth, this is called a return.
(If you're familiar with astrology, you've probably heard this term being used when referring to someone's Saturn return.)
Since we are talking about Mars, this means that June 2 is ETH's Mars Return. Mars returns to its precise sign and degree every 2.5 years. And this cycle seems to be occurring in the same energy as the solar eclipse.
June 2 Mars will be conjunct the Moon in Cancer as well. The moon is ruled by Cancer which means that it is in domicile, or in its home.
So Mars (energy, competition, and long-term market movements) + Moon (short term fluctuations) in Cancer (sensitivity, caring) + conjunct (fuse) in the 11th house (goodwill).
However, Neptune (illusions. uncertainty, and unrealistic expectations) will square (tensions) Mercury (commerce, speed, and movement) and which will give a difficulty with logical processes.
My prediction:
As far as any huge gains or losses in ETH's price are concerned, Mercury retrograde tends to cause fluctuations. That won't end until June 22. And we do have some fluctuations with the Moon and Mars as well.
If ETH somehow manages to reach $3K-ish I would expect it to drop back down to $2.5K-ish relatively soon. You'll maybe see another spike.
Overall, it's just erratic energy with no major gains or losses.
The true essence of June 2 is the new shift for ETH. New beginnings and cycles are starting for sure. With what exactly? I don't have 100% confirmation, but I feel like this new cycle is dealing with how ETH relates its goodwill (11th house energy) to the general masses. The "general masses" being those who have zero familiarity with crypto.
Specifically, relating to everyone about becoming a more environmentally friendly crypto.
This Mars + Eclipse cycle (in my opinion) is all about updating to Ethereum 2.0, moving to proof-of-stake, and beginning the shift for all cryptocurrencies to be more environmentally conscious.
It will be interesting to see how ETH will develop this agenda over the next couple of years.
June 10: Gemini Solar Eclipse
Eclipses are significant in astrology. They represent endings, beginnings, new paths, and ending old cycles. They have influenced people and triggered events all throughout history.
Solar eclipses in particular can signify new, surprising beginnings. Think of new projects, sowing seeds, and reversals of mis/fortunes.
This eclipse (Sun: basic drive + Moon: short term fluctuations) is happening in the sign of Gemini (communication) in the 10th house (public image). The eclipse is also occurring over ETH's MC line (public reputation).
The eclipse is also at 22 degrees which is the "killed or be killed" degree. Not literally lol. It's just a supercut throat, competitive energy. When push comes to shove, this is the energy that will try to win at all costs.
My prediction:
This energy very much relates to the June 2 Mars energy. ETH is trying to do some major PR and I truly think it has to do with being seen as a newer, greener form of currency. And people who don't know much about crypto are going to be hearing about ETH and thinking it's all nuts lol.
But this is a major chance for ETH to shine in this way. Maybe we will see TikTok ads for Axie Infinity to make crypto seem relevant for non-investors.
Regardless if ETH is trying to make crypto appeal to gamers, shoppers, housewives, and bank managers, I definitely see ETH trying to branch out to reach different demographics.
As far as any gains or losses, I think ETH's price will enjoy a nice boost. This competitive energy wants to win. The eclipse could possibly flip this little slump ETH has been in during this entire retrograde.
June 11: Mars enters Leo
Remember how Mars is a minor malefic?
Mars will be leaving the sign of Cancer and will be entering Leo and the 12th house. This is also where ETH's natal Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter are at as well.
- 12th house = shortcomings, hidden things
- Leo = proud and dominating energy
- Mars = competition
- Sun = basic drive
- Mercury = commerce, speed, movement
- Jupiter = luck, good or bad
All that energy is conjunct in the 12th house. I don't have a prediction for this energy because it's so hidden. This energy reads to me that there is a conflict of sorts going on behind the scenes. Like there's one group of people who thinks ETH should be doing X, one who thinks ETH should be doing Y, and one who thinks ETH should be doing Z. It's bigger than the hard fork.
June 22: Mercury does Direct in Gemini
Mercury has been in retrograde May 29-June 22. On June 22 Mercury stations direct and will be in its shadow period until July 7th.
This is happening in the sign of Gemini (communication) in the 10th house (the public).
All this erratic energy throughout June will finally have an outlet. We may see previews of what's possibly to come with ETH's direction for the future.
You know how an artist will do thumbnail sketches before tackling the first canvas? Basically, June will be a sketching period of sorts. Towards the end of June when Mercury stations direct, we may see the first approach to the canvas.
However, we still have the shadow period to get through as well. So while things are straightening back out, we could see ETH attacking many different things from many different angles, and everyone is trying to win.
ETH's price may increase around these days. Usually, when Mercury goes direct, the markets settle back into a flow and not so much into chaotic ups and downs. By July 7th, the waters should have completely calmed.
Final Thoughts:
I think ETH is trying to shift into a new direction and trying to run some PR in order to make this seem like a new, green approach to money and investing. I would not be shocked if in the incoming months games like Axie are going to be advertised in many different spaces like TikTok.
But there's disharmony and high levels of competition within the hidden circles of ETH. This is a make-or-break time for ETH. If they are successful, this new cycle with the eclipse and Mars return can be powerful. If it fails, this could be some tough growing pains.
However, I am going to remain optimistic and say this is a successful cycle filled with tough competition to bring out the best and brightest in ETH.
As far as value goes, I see fluctuations until June 22-July 7. Around those dates, maybe ETH will get back up to $3K. Fingers crossed.
*DISCLAIMER* All content is subject to interpretation, should not be taken as absolute, is not 100% accurate, and is for entertainment purposes only. No guarantee can be given to the accuracy of astrology. The contents of this blog does not replace Professional Medical/Legal/Business/Professional opinion and advice. I am not a professional astrologer. I am only a student who loves to write, but is still learning and will be wrong most of the time. All resources linked.