Institutional investors enter the cryptocurrency market

By Gamma | Gamma | 5 Apr 2020

The adoption of Bitcoin.

Although Bitcoin offers exceptional rates of return on investment (RSI), many institutional investors entering the cryptocurrency market still worry about the reliability of access to unregulated territory.

With the official launch of the federally approved and regulated platform, large investors are more than likely to join the cryptocurrency market, which will encourage optimism and the adoption of Bitcoin.

Furthermore, it seems that Bitcoin is still in the early adoption phase, with only a small portion of the investors deeply involved in the market. Now the main goal is to attract a larger audience. The creation of a regulatory framework aimed at protecting users and instilling confidence in financial instruments

Regulation could also help eliminate the risk of bad practices in the sector and could potentially attract more institutional investors to the market.


Technological advances

The Bitcoin 2020 forecast is based on its success which can be based on technological advances. For now, it is still considered too expensive and too slow to use Bitcoin as an effective alternative to traditional payment systems such as Visa.



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