Google: MEGA extension accused of stealing from Monero

By Gamma | Gamma | 5 Apr 2020

MEGA, in the shadow of MegaUpload

Kim Dotcom had the good idea to create a similar service with a level of computer security worthy of Fort Knox. Dubbed MEGA, Dotcom’s new cloud storage service is at the heart of Monero’s theft case. At least MEGA’s Chrome extension.

Once installed would execute malicious code giving the person coordinating the attack the opportunity to steal Monero. It is therefore recommended not to install or use the MEGA extension of Chrome.


Moneros are hot right now

Hackers resolve to steal Moneros now. Uncommon cryptocurrency used primarily by a handful of geeks swearing by open source.

This is mainly due to the increased security that now surrounds the cryptocurrency market. Mainly its star players, Bitcoin and Ethereum. Rather than risk intense hacking sessions leading to a poor harvest, hackers are turning to a little-used cryptocurrency. And therefore not very secure.

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