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Dota 2 - PGL Arlington Playoffs Day 3

By AskingAndQuestioning | Gaming! | 12 Aug 2022

And just like that, Day three of the playoff bracket for the PGL Arlington Major has commenced. The day started off with teams Fnatic (SEA) vs beastcoast (SA) in an elimination BO3. Game one was a 45 minute affair with Fnatic taking it after a bried comeback in an otherwise dominate game. beastcoast fought back in game two with a 25 minute stomp, and then went on to win the series in another 45 minute game to send Fnatic home 2-1.

The second series of the day was the stars of the tournament so far, PSG.LGD (CN) taking on OG (WEU) in the upper bracket. OG pulled off a 24 minute victory in game one, however PSG.LGD came back swinging with a 35 minute win to tie the series. Game three saw PSG.LGD bringing home the series, and thus confirming their seat in the upper bracket finals, only two series away from potentially winning it all with a dominate tournament this far.

The third and final series of the day had Team Spirit (EEU) facing off against Team Aster (CN). Team Spirit looked dominate in this series and took the match 2-0. Although the games were 34, and 44 minutes respectively, Spirit looked in control the entire time but that's not to say that Aster played bad in the slightest.

With that said, the new bracket looks like this:

PGL Arlington Bracket

The games tomorrow start at 3p.m., not 6p.m. which has been the case the last two days! Game one will be Entity (WEU) vs. BOOM Esports (SEA), followed by beastcoast (SA) vs. Outsiders (EEU) with the final series being OG vs the winner of beastcoast vs. Outsiders. PSG.LGD and Team Spirt have to wait two days to play for the Upper Bracket Final so I'm hoping it doesn't break their momentum, but all the games should be good regardless. Hope you're all enjoying the Major as much as I am. I'm still riding high on the PSG.LGD wave, who are you all cheering for?

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