Publish0x LOVES the Brave Browser!
We love Brave, and we love $BAT! In fact, Publish0x is best viewed in the Brave Browser - if you're using it, you won't be seeing any ads! You can download Brave from here.
Scroll down to view a lot of awesome Chrome vs Brave images that might make you chuckle.
And, we've just launched the SwitchToBrave Writing Contest for all of the authors on Publish0x.
Check the details in the image below. You can find more about the SwitchToBrave contest here.
Chrome VS Brave Browser Images Made by Our Designer!
To celebrate our love of Brave, Publish0x designer has made these Chrome VS Brave images for you to enjoy. Which one is your favorite? Do you have any other ideas for a Chrome vs Brave image fight that our designer can use to create more images? Let us know! :)
If you were to compare Chrome and Brave with a beach...
If Chrome and Brave were a bedroom...
Who would win in a boxing match... Chrome or Brave?
Who cleans up ads on websites ever so nicely... and who wants to serve as much of them as possible?
If you enjoy a bit of space for yourself, choose Brave.
If you thought of Chrome as a dirty room, then Brave would be the cleaning lady doing amazing work!
Using one browser makes me feel like working on a desk full of clutter... not so with Brave.
When I want to be distraction free, guess which browser I choose.
Heavyweight title boxing match is live: Chrome VS Brave!
If Chrome and Brave could be represented as trains...
... then Brave would be the Bullet train, and Chrome would be the one stopping every minute.
Who forgot to do the dishes?
I know who my pick in Chrome vs Brave race would be. The speedier browser, of course!
Business models of Chrome and Brave couldn't be more different...
Bow to the king - the Brave Browser...
... his guards won't bother you no more. :)
Brave is a much faster browser, no doubt.
Brave is not just faster. It also offers better users experience, is safer and more privacy oriented...
Get the Brave Browser from here.