
Bitcoin vs Crypto - what??

Crypto people, you know we love you!  Big gratitude for y'all showing up to play on the river novel of the crypto theme here on the all-seeing Publish0x.   

Dear readers will know we cracked up laughing to see we are starting a trend!!  It's FUNNY !!  Crypto in the FT is just too whack to leave unchallenged!!  We ragged on Jems, what did Bitcoin magazine say? Three guesses  67c94afe994fb51dc4bf7a8845bede3e94ff29698e96a6dbeb4374c62142fbb4.png This is meta, judging an article judging those we usually judge, baby! TBH, Jems was right about one thing, BTC Maxis are running wild and free. We did not believe it totally, but yes, some say BTC is no longer even Crypto!! And they FIGHT BACK against non-believers, those who say BTC can't be separated from crypto!! 

TLDR:  Federico just like us goes MENTAL reading the FT slanging away at crypto's hamstrings.   Federico has been mad at Jems since she was on Twitter celebrating BTC crashing back down from 500 to 300.  But Feds listens, since Jems has the bully pulpit of the world's greatest financial paper. 

Federico loses us on his first play - would you say soccer and baseball are part of the same industry because grass fields with a ball?  Would you say Bitcoin and crypto are in the same industry because digital cryptography?  Well, we would say yes, lol, it's the sports ball industry, and yes, crypto is crypto.  Sorry about that Feds, we know we were supposed to love soccer and/or hate baseball or something, but bad analogy.  It's OK, then,  Feds warms up. 

Federico says Jems is wrongo that BTC is a pyramid - if it was, the last ten months of outflows would have broken it.  No Ponzi can take that, yet BTC hash is at an all time high.  Without new funds coming in for like a year. 

Federico chokes on Jems saying BTC is not money - he picks his five criteria, since Jems won't, as store of value, medium of exchange, transportability, divisibility, and unit of account.  Clearly digital BTC is transportable and divisible. Feds sez BTC with Lightning is the #1 medium of exchange.  Feds surfs over the store of value question,  citing BTC stock to flow is better than GOLD!!! 

The only debate to Feds is unit of account, where volatility makes it tough.  But even there, many fiats, including today, are in hyperinflationary spirals making BTC look good!!  Not in this article, nor the  FT, but BTC in terms of say the Venezulan Bolivar is looking pretty damn good with inflation at 1,200% !!    BTC lost what 60% from ATH?  The Sudanise Pound is inflating at 340%. The Lebanon pound at 200%.  Are they no longer money?? 

Finally, Federico can't stand those who say BTC is centralized.  He says Stratum V2 in the miner's stacks is further stopping any chance of 51% censorship for BTC.  He says Mikey Sailor with all his bags has LESS control over the network than an indie in Kenya running a full node - unless Mikey runs a full node, in which case they are EQUAL!!  

Feds says PoS is just tradfi

Feds says 60% of all BTC energy is renewable, and BTC runs 50% cleaner than most C02 sources per kilowatt.  Plus BTC is helping build fund and run renewable grids. 

Feds skips the first mover advantage by saying scarcity is the key.  Scarcity is proven by the market, though most Western countries have forgotten what a free market is!  Wow, we love ya Feds!! Preach man!! 

Jems always takes time to dig at Mikey Sailor.  And his tax troubles.  We don't know how she sleeps at night after passing on 300$ BTC, we think it broke her mentally.  Jems WISHES she had Mikey's tax problems.  But it's funny, Mikey Sailor honey badger just don't care at ALL, recently viz: 


Thank you Mikey, thank you Federico for making us feel sane, saner anyway,  a tough job at best. 

Thank you cryptonauts gotta hop





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Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer

National Merit got this punk rocker to Oberlin, and Wall Street fintech gave up world tours and an NYU MBA. I am a Bitcoin true believer. Bitcoin is deeply revolutionary in a way we always prayed tech would be. Keep the baby Faith!

FT WATCH - the Financial Times on Crypto!!!
FT WATCH - the Financial Times on Crypto!!!

The WSJ turned into USA today - which leaves the FT at the top of the heap for serious financial news! Join us for a semi-serious monitoring of the FUD & hate the FT now showers on crypto. Dear readers know we love that pink newspaper but boy howdy does the FT despise crypto--- it's funny. The old guard always fights the new guard. The FT does it eruditely, with misleading comments, fun graphs, and outright lies (usually) attributed to crypto's greatest enemies!

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