2 NEW Tokens You Can Get From zkSync (Besides ZKS)

By FIP Crypto | FIP Crypto | 10 Apr 2023

SpaceFi and SyncSwap have both announced that their tokens will be launching on zkSync Era, and here's some steps you can use to get these token airdrops.

The Gleam campaign for SpaceFi is ending soon, so it's best to do that ASAP!

Something you may need 🤔

Do you find it overwhelming to track all of the different airdrops that are available?

I've created an airdrop tracker of all the different networks and projects that I'm keeping an eye on,


and you can gain access to it by signing up for my Substack newsletter! The link to this Notion site will be included in the welcome email.


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FIP Crypto
FIP Crypto

Hi! I'm Gideon, a guy from Singapore who's really passionate about cryptocurrencies! The crypto world can be really daunting. I aim to provide you with practical tips to help you navigate the world of crypto.

FIP Crypto
FIP Crypto

Hi! I'm Gideon, a guy from Singapore who's really passionate about cryptocurrencies! The crypto world can be really daunting. I aim to provide you with practical tips to help you navigate the world of crypto. Follow me at @FIPCrypto on YouTube and TikTok for more content!

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