
After all, do employees want to go back to the office?

By dimitris7 | Finance & Crypto Blog | 24 Mar 2021

Exactly one year ago we were talking about teleworking and how it can be applied to companies that have never done it before. We gave examples from our own experience, where already in 2016 we had effectively implemented the model of semi-remote work.

Who would have thought that a year later teleworking would have been established for good in our lives and would have become necessary for a large number of companies. But how did we manage it and what did all this teach us? What are the work trends that prevail?

Office work

From our experience, from the global market but also from conversations with various recruiters, we see that the full remote work model is not necessarily ideal: you gain something and you lose something. An important factor to evaluate in the full remote model is that the sense of team, human contact and communication is lost, which is the most important thing for all of us - especially after so many months without socializing.

So what sounds like it will prevail in the next period is a more personalized work model. This means that on days when the employee will feel more comfortable and productive at home, he will be able to choose to work from there. On the other hand, if some days he feels the need to socialize or has distractions in his home, he will be able to choose the office.

We see that what tends to prevail is a hybrid work model, ie some days from home and some from a workplace. A major survey by the University of Chicago showed that 72% of employees prefer such a model. Only 13% would choose to work exclusively at home, if they had the choice of office.

One trend that we see gaining ground is the shared office space, ie the "cohabitation" of companies in one workplace, but with individual offices. We also follow another trend - always observing the protection measures - that of "hot desking" where employees do not have their own specific job but sit in any office available. This is because in a hybrid work model the team members come to the office only a few days a week, so it does not make sense to have one job per person.

With these more personalized work models there is even more flexibility and choices in the schedule but also in the way that suits each person personally according to his needs. Working conditions improve while the company gains in bonding between members but also in strengthening the corporate culture.

Work from home

Ultimately, what we observe after a whole year of lockdown and teleworking, is that human contact is essential in the workplace at the level of a well-functioning team. Teleworking can increase employee productivity and satisfaction, but only when he chooses the ideal office-teleworking mix. In the way global trends are shaped by the prevalence of the semi-remote work model, we understand that employees look forward to returning to the office and socializing with their colleagues. However, given that they have the option to work from home a few days a week.



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