Welcome 2021

By turuncu | Feelings | 1 Jan 2021


Iwish 2021 to bring health, happiness, joy, peace, prosperity and abundance to all of us.

With the effect of new thoughts appearing in my mind from the very first hours, a desire to share my new articles in publish0x, which I have not written for a long time, arose.

In fact, it did not stop there. Thoughts such as trying new ways, acting with the awareness that there are different possibilities, were not in my awareness area for a long time. It is very nice and promising that 2021 will help with new awareness and awakening in such a short time.

On this platform, I would like to share with you sometimes what I feel, sometimes what I have learned from what I have read and researched.

Sometimes I have very good articles, sometimes I may have articles that are not that good. However, I know that I have friends here who share their thoughts, their hearts, what they researched and learned, their poems, what they traveled and seen, and what happened in their lives.

We are here because we all have more or less financial returns. One of the reasons for me to be on this platform, of course, is to increase my financial well-being. Of course, by sharing what I know and my experiences with you, at least to help you look from a different perspective.

I think there are usually articles about developments and trading in crypto. I have almost no knowledge of these matters. My field is more about life in general.

I'm sure I'm new to most of you here. I would be glad if you do not spare your support.

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