By faz007 | FAZ007 | 7 Jul 2021

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are doing well and staying safe

This is my SplinterLands battle share post for this week and I am sharing SAND WORM today with you 


SAND WORM is a neutral splinter high on melee damage and low on health. It has sneak ability so it can hit from any position



Huge Sand Worms have always lived in the desert of Draykh-Nahka, but with the recent uncovering of the various Untamed Prophecies, they have mysteriously grown even larger. They have also become more wild and free, somehow discovering how to escape from the Sands of the Dragon Splinter. Although it has never been witnessed, biologists believe that the Worms have learned how to swim. If they have indeed learned to burrow through water like sand, the Splinterlands will suffer greatly from their proliferation. In Mount Mox battle, Sand Worms can swallow monsters of nearly any size with no need to chew. They can even snatch fliers directly from the air, extending out of the ground even higher than the arena walls.





Battle Link

My quest was to play and win 5 ranked battles with the fire splinters

My team included the ever reliable Living Lava, Cerberaus, Feneas Rage, Naga Fire Wizard, Elemental Phoenix and Malric Inferno as summoner


Made some mistakes and paid for it as I relied too heavily on melee attackers with no one providing ranged attack or sniping. But that's what we do. We make mistakes and learn from it


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?
No. Made some mistakes in team selection. I needed to mix Range with magic and melee

Do you use the SAND WORM often? Why or why not?
No. Not much as its low on health with high Mana cost. Sometimes I don't even get its one attack in. Maybe I will use it more once I level it up

This is the official battle challenge post for Splinterlands Weekly Battle Share Challenge. If you like the challenge and want to make a post then you can also participate and share it with more people.

Become part of this wonderful game and enjoy the awesome gaming along with rewards and use my link below to be part of it-

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As always, stay safe, be kind and enjoy life as much as you can

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Hi, its Faz. I am a part time crypto enthusiast who is into various crypto, games, etc. My full time work is being a Cloud architect as thats what pays the bills. That's my short info

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