Episode 77: I'm Ok, Don't Worry

Hello Fast Heart Mart fans! I hope this message finds you well! If not, blame all this summer heat! 

Gigs This Week


I hope you can make it out to hear me sometime this week! 

Episode 77: I'm Ok, Don't Worry

Lately I have been getting messages from friends and family worrying about me because I'm in California, mostly living in my motorhome. In this episode I will reassure everyone that I am doing fine and I know exactly what I'm doing :) I will be broadcasting live on YouTube this Friday the 13th at 4pm PST. The link for that is here: https://youtube.com/live/ge4I1Du2f4o

SADS Foundation Feature Story:

There are many acronyms for SADS, in this case it stands for Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome.  Many of you are aware that I was born with a heart condition that has almost killed Me a few times throughout my life. This month, the SADS foundation featured a story about me here: https://sads.org/blog-cat/martins-lqts-story/

Well, that's about it for now. 

“Fast Heart” Martin Stamper
September 10, 2024
San Diego, CA

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Fast Heart Mart
Fast Heart Mart

Musical Adventurer and Medical Freedomist

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