Gaming. The flourishing project idea for all new projects on pretty much every chain out there. The reason they're about to be the next 10x's is purely because of the fact that they're underappreciated and have bad marketing. People don't want to play games on the blockchain because of how time consuming it is and the fact that most games need starting capital. This is because you obviously need to fuel the economy for a game to function properly in the first place.
Without a community backing up a game's's not really possible for it to flourish. That's the only way they bring in revenue and genuinely bring the profits back into your wallet. The founders are fully responsible for the in-game economy and are there to make sure nothing goes south. The maximum amount of employees a small cap gaming token need is probably 1-5. 5 Is pushing it a bit because you only really need 3. The founder, co-founder, and a developer to help with the development load for the founders - assuming the founders are responsible for programming which they should be in order to have developed the game in the early stages of their project - most projects have very small market-caps which only leads to the flourishment of the project after the initial userbase is able to attract a larger userbase. Some sort of explosion in popularity usually leads to an increased market-cap; liquidity pools are crucial in projects due to the fact that it helps new players onboard large amounts of capital in small time frames. For example, a project with 10k usd liquid cannot onboard as many new users as one with 100k USD liquid in their LP (liquidity pool)
That's all for today gentlemen, I hope this has enlightened you to some extent and don't forget to like and comment down below on what your thoughts are on the flourishing of crypto games in ecosystems like Polygon and Solana.