An expertly designed image with AI TOKENS written in bold, colorful fonts.

Why AI Crypto Is A Scam

AI crypto is the "new thing" - but the thing they don't tell you is that it takes absolutely 0 experience to start an ai crypto token. Apart from 5$, everything else is created by AI.

How reliable does that sound?

Are you even sure there's a person making decisions, or is it just a dude in his backyard, asking AI "What amount of tokens do we distribute to the community?" - do you even think ai has the context in such a scenario to know what amount to distribute?

AI has 0 context, no reliable thought (very innaccurate as they don't even have accurate info unless you're asking about basic topics), AI is the same as an enthusiast in any field. For example, ask it anything about crypto, and if it's not available online, it won't be able to answer your question. Not to mention it being wrong 50% of the time.

It doesn't even have recent information so how on earth will it even provide you with knowledge or make decisions for you without knowing what the world was like in the past 2 years?

It's almost comparable to asking a human about bitcoin when the last time they've looked at bitcoin had been 2 years ago. Seems absurd when I put it that way doesn't it?

I'm not talking about tokens with actual use cases like the graph token. Even though it has it's fair share of critics such as this:


I'm talking about tokens that base everything they do off of AI. The ones with barely any usecases that rely on ai based decision making. Those are the scams. Not to mention tokens like praying on their tiny, niche community to make profits and dump every once in a while. 

One of the main issues here might just be the decreasing interest in ai tokens as based off of this chart: 


Seems a bit iffy. There's still interest but it's extremely low. Tokens that had launched in january have experienced the most growth, tokens releasing during may and july have stayed as small mcap tokens. The owners of ai based tokens don't even have to show their faces anymore. All they do is say that chatgpt is making the decisions and end up never bringing up the topic of identity even though it might be the most important question of them all. Why do you think the top cryptos have known owners?

Cardano, ethereum, and soon to be bitcoin with the creator being "Hal" - not as bright as people might've suggested but rather a skilled technician - still very bright in my eyes but who knows. 

AI tokens are likely not here to stay for the reasons mentioned above. 

That's all for today, cheers!

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