ThePredictionSeries: prediction 168.2: thursday, January 5 2023 : The Result

By excelencia | excelencia | 5 Jan 2023

Scrolling down You'll see the actual price situations of BTC, ETH and AMPL and a snapshot of the $AMPL at a specific hour today thursday.

The higher a post enters in the New page, the more visibility it will receive.

The prediction today thursday, January 5   2023 was:                                                                  


This post(ThePredictionSeries: prediction 168.1: thursday, January 5 2023 : Todays Prediction.) is going to enter at:                               


                         rank 1 in the NEW rubric .             


                          Photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas 


Result of  prediction 168 :                                                                                      






This post in reality entered at rank 1 in the NEW  rubric:   

Click in the picture to enlarge the image. 


Click in the picture to enlarge the image. 



               53 out of 168  predictions were correct so far.         


Click in the pictures below to enlarge the images.











Below, you'll see also a snapshot from the Livecoinwatch website with the $price of  AMPL at the moment the snapshot was taken , so you will be able in the future to compare the frozen$ price of Ampleforth at this specific moment, with the actual $AMPL from the widget under the snapshot. Looking up in the prediction history below, you can go back to each day from the past predictions, to see the $AMPL snapshot at that day and compare it with the CoinGeckowidget below, with the actual $AMPL, to see the up and down fluctuations of $AMPL building your trust in its consistency. 

Rather then giving advice, many experts say it's a good strategy to sell when the price is high and to invest this amount buying back the same asset when its price is low...                        

Snapshot taken on thursday, january 5  2023 at 5:33  am UTC

Click in the picture to enlarge the image.




                         Prediction History:

January 2023: P=Prediction, R= Result of the Prediction, mo-tue-wed-thu-fri-sat- Su =days of the week.

wed 4: P | 4:R | tue 3:P | 3:R | mo 2:P | 2:R |Su 1:P |1:R

Come back regularly to see the next prediction in Excelencia's ThePredictionSeries  and the Views, Earnings and Likes/Dislikes the post will have received the next day.

Have a nice thursday !                       




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Thumbnail Image  by Jen Theodore on Unsplash











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