It's wednesday, april 13 2022 and here are the Stats from yesterday tuesday, april 12 2022:
While tipping and publishing slowed down in the weekend, the number of new users that joined PublishOx was not affected by a weekend effect, let's see if this preliminary conclusion can be confirmed in the future.
Tuesday, april 12 2022:
21,878 tips given by 5,085 users. This is for each user that has tipped , some four articles tipped, while they can actually give 7 tips each day...
Thus we may conclude that most users that are giving tips, are doing it not mainly to earn tips , but more to tip a post they were interested in to tip, or am I wrong with this conclusion, if so, ad your interpretation in the comments below this article. Maybe they just don't dedicate or have the time to spend for giving 7 tips.
131 posts were published by 114 users. So, most publishing users only wrote one post.
Compared with yesterday, this is an increase of 15 more posts published, by 14 more publishing users.
287 users joined the site, which is 7 more then yesterday monday.
Monday, april 11 2022:
Tuesday, april 12 2022
Let's consider also past weekend stats:
Saturday, april 9 2022:
Sunday, april 10 2022:
Now we can see more clearly the weekend slow down represented by the lesser amounts of tips given by lesser users and a lesser amount that was tipped, lesser posts published also.
Remarkable is that the number of users that joined the PublishOx site was nearly equal in the past weekend as during this monday and tuesday:
- New users saturday and sunday combined: 316+262=578
- New users monday and tuesday combined: 280+287=567
Preliminary conclusion:
As tipping and publishing slowed down in the weekend, the number of new users that joined PublishOx was not subject to any weekend effect, let's see if this preliminary conclusion can be confirmed in the future.
See below for the link to the most tipped post from yesterday tuesday:
That's it already for yesterday tuesdays stats.
Thanks for the attention.
Have a splendid wednesday today!
Image Source
Excelencia started this TheDailyStatsSeries on April 5 2022, while thinking it could be usefull for PublishOx users to find daily stats only one click away, with some occasionally added personaln unpretentious observation and interpretation.
tuesday, april 5 2022 and thursday, april 7
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Thumbnail Image by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash