wordpress is fancy but...

previously in my blog series of creating my site

I told you some reasons why I couldn't choose wordpress to create my own site... now let's  go to add another reason more...

It's fancy but... is not for static sites

Yes, wordpress is really fancy, but it needs a database to store the settings like users, preferences and many more. Is it bad? not of course, but database services are expensive. Every month you have to pay for it, which is anoying. Another consequence of having a database is you have to install it, administrate and take care about the data inside, the infamous backups. Ufff, a lot things to do... but is it needed to have it for a simple site like the mine? really? There are a lot of hosting companies in which you can hire the whole package... a wordpress instance, I mean, a database installed with all the admin packages and more. Good... but as I say, so much things to a simple site and you have to pay for it. At the end you feel that spending a lot of money if you don't have a ROI of you site. So, another time, more reasons to don't choose worpress: difficult to maintain and expensive at the end. If you are not a technical people maybe is a pain in the ass handle it.

Static sites to the rescue!

in my case was the solution that it fits. Maybe you need to have developer skills, but it's a really good choice!!! Let's go!!!. This solution is based in create your own content in and static way, like html and host them in a cloud service like AWS S3, github, netlify, vercel, google cloud, firebase, and many more. Which are the advantages of this approach? the advantages are you can control the whole creation process. From beginning to end!! Which is really cool! I'm feeling happy! Another advantage... some of these service are free from the beginning and you can pay for more when your site was working... wow wow wow!!! so the money is not a barrier!! I'm keep on feeling happy! No money investment!!! you can enjoy creating you site without worrying about the fuc.. money!!! 


Be green

Another reason to choose static sites vs wordpress (database approach), is the pollution! hahaha, maybe you can think that I'm crazy. You wonder how is linked the 'static sites vs wordpress (database approach)' with the pollution... The point is thewordpress (database approach) servers/machines consumes a lot of energy in comparing with static sites servers solutions. So it's something that matters. More energy consumed, more heat generated and more pollution to the planet. Creating energy now days is a process that pollute our planet too. Think of millions of servers/machines consuming energy and spreading heat over our planet... you know the result. So as much efficient was our site less pollution for the planet, doesn't it? if you choose 'the static sites' solution you will be a little bit more green than the other solution!!! so... more advantages!!!! 

and this everything up to now... we will keep on the next post...

Don't let of visiting my site  and tell me what you think about it. To be honest, I don't have any traffic in my site and I feel a little bit sad. What people can use my site is what makes me feel great... I'm at the beginning and everything is really complicated. At this point you feel that you need people support you. So if you can visit my site I will really happy for it. Thank you in advance! :) 

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