⚠️Tesla- Elon Musk just shared their Q2 report!⚠️

By EngineeringRobo | EngineeringRobo | 22 Jul 2022

They said that as of the end of Q2, we have converted approximately 75% of our Bitcoin purchases into fiat currency. Conversions in Q2 added $936M of cash to our balance sheet. 

It means between April 1, 2022 and Jun 30, 2022 they sold 75% of their BTC holding. However, we don't know exactly where they sold their BTC 🤷‍♂️

👉But, we know where EngineeringRobo gave buy signals.

EngineeringRobo gave sell signals at around $44K to Bitcoin in Q2.

EngineeringRobo also gave buy signals at around $22K to Bitcoin in Q3.

The moral of the story, you are ALWAYS a few steps early from all other traders in the market as long as you follow CAREFULLY Robo's signals 🔥🔥

🔴 Can market drop around 10% with this news?
🟢 Yes, it is already dropped around 5%

➡️ Fundamental news can help you to save a few %.
➡️ EngineeringRobo + TA can help you to save ALL your net-worth!

"A chart is worth a thousand words"

Example :

👉#Bitcoin lost almost 60% of its value after EngineeringRobo turned bearish for it. Before EngineeringRobo turned bearish , Bitcoin went up to 40% with our buy signals!

🟢If you are trading & investing in the financial market such as #Stocks#crypto and #commodity markets, EngineeringRobo  help you to maximize your return!


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EngineeringRobo is a Robo Advisor that uses a computer program that follows a defined set of instructions to create successful entry and exit ideas to users!


EngineeringRobo is a Robo Advisor that uses a computer program that follows a defined set of instructions to create successful entry and exit ideas to users via 3rd party charting website, tradingview. It doesn’t have to think or feel good to make a trade. If conditions are met, It enters. When the trade goes the wrong way or hits a profit target, It exits. It doesn’t get angry at the market or feel invincible after making a few good trades. That’s why it makes money but most of you not!.

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