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Elrond Network - #hypergrowth100

By CryptoCata | multiversX | 9 Feb 2021

Elrond Network - #hypergrowth100


Elrond Network seems to be a promising project, it has 3 main components:

 1. Elrond Network - the blockchain mainnet that can process 15,000 TPS (transactions per second) and can scale even further to 263,000 TPS, based on it's sharding architecture solution;

2. EGLD - Elrond Gold - as the time passes we have already: email, ebook, so it's time for a new virtual store of value named eGold, this is the blockchain cryptocurrency and the value that it brings;

3. Maiar - phone app that can easily be installed, basically it's a non-custodial wallet, where you can currently store EGLD, ETH and BNB, it uses also herotags which acts as a DNS for their own blockchain and users can send crypto based on this herotag chosen by them;


Currently, Elrond Network runs a #hypergrowth100 campaign where for the next 100 days they will have some important integrations / features / interviews announced every day. The Maiar app release seems to contribute a lot for the EGLD price which has a significant increase (> 100%) in just one week, currently being at ~181 USD.

The current payment gateway in Maiar app it's Moonpay, from my point of view it's a little bit expensive right now as it's about 4.5% in fees. Every transaction can be watched in the Elrond Explorer.   Let me know in the comments if you are interested in this project and what are your opinions about it.

This is my first blog post and I hope you found some useful information. In the following ones I will write more in detail.

If you would like to take a look, you can install the Maiar app using my referal link, you will get 10$ cashback reward in Maiar when you invest a total of 200$, also Moonpay has a discount for the first transcation in app.

Thanks for attention,

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Newly to crypto and very enthusiast to find out more!


MultiversX (previously Elrond Network) it's a blockchain that uses a sharding architecture in order to process 15,000 TPS (transactions per second) and can scale even further to 263,000 TPS with their own mainnet. This is something impressive, as for example VISA is currently processing around 1,700 TPS. It seems this project has some potential so let's discover them together.

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