How to earn free Banano (BAN) from watching videos

By TrocProcLock | Earning that Crypto | 6 Jan 2022

I wanted to take the time to let you all in on a little secret. Well not that little as it is well known in the Banano community but maybe not so much to casual crypto peeps. And the site in question is Jungle TV!



What JungleTV is, is a community driven YouTube video player. However it is so much more than that. Everyone on the website is watching the same videos and you can chat amongst each other about said videos. The neat thing though is that every video that is played is queued up from other viewers. 

How it works is simple. Say there are 100 people all watching JungleTV right now. And I want to que up a video from YouTube. I would go to the Enqueue Video button and paste in a YouTube video URL. You can also make it so the video is unskippable (which costs more) or you can even just select a time frame to play of that certain video.


They will then have to pay a certain amount of BAN to queue that video up. How much it costs depends on a few things

- Length of video

- If you marked it as un-skippable

- If you want it to play next or just at the end of the queue

- If you want to skip current video and play yours instead.

You can see that my video I selected is 8 minutes and 31 seconds long and I didn't change any options to make it more expensive.


Now all I have to do is send 10.06 BAN to that address. Since BAN payments are near instant it will take effect within seconds. What happens next is the cool part.

So when my video plays and finishes all those 100 people watching it will split that 10.06 BAN payment equally. So each person would get .1006 BAN.

Once you have accumulated 10 BAN it will payout to your wallet. Or 10 hours after your last earning it will payout.

There is a community pool as well to skip videos. So if someone plays a video that everyone hates. Everyone can pitch in BAN to skip the video. And what happens is the total skipped payment amount plus the amount that it cost to enqueue the video gets distributed to everyone watching.


You can also just add BAN to the current video pool. Meaning if you added say 10 BAN to the community tipping pool during my video, instead of the 10.06 BAN being the pool that it distributed to all viewers it would be 20.06 BAN that is distributed.

It is a small little site but it is mighty. You can even just have it open on a tab and muted and earn rewards passively. The one thing you need to watch out for is the captcha's. They come semi frequently and if you don't do them then you don't get rewards. And the captcha's are not the normal google ones. There are 4 slides and they will look something like this:



That is pretty much all you need to know about JungleTV. The payout threshold is 10 BAN and I get at least 2 payouts a day from my time 'watching' JungleTV. You can read more about it here:

They do have some challenges/giveaways so keep an eye out on their announcement tab on the site.

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I am a crypto enthusiast and also a crypto noob :) Just trying to learn more each day.

Earning that Crypto
Earning that Crypto

I was one new to crypto and was looking everywhere on how to earn different types of crypto and wish I had a central location to go to for information. Now I am trying to help those that come after me and make it easier for them.

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