Syscoin Platform up about 50%: NEVM is coming!

By drluv | Sysnetsite | 7 Sep 2021

There is good reason for the Syscoin Platform increase in market capitalization currently at around USD 250 million - and even at the current rate it is most definitely among the most undervalued projects among the public blockchains.  Looking at the technical development, it already now should be among the top 50 projects!

While other projects focus on marketing, Syscoin has always focused on technical innovation and development - hence it has been under the radar for a long time. (This was due to the fact that the funds from the initial ICO 7 years ago were stolen with the perpetrator still in jail!). Look it up at which provides reliable trading metrics. The reported 24h trading volume exceeded 140 mio USD! We will likely see a dip with some profit taking, followed by price consolidation before moving the next leg up. Be ready!

Syscoin is a scalable, very low fee token platform with new NFT features. Smart contracts will make it comparable to Ethereum functionality but with much higher scalability and fraction of a cent transaction fees, and with the security of Bitcoin Core through merge-mining. While Ethereum uses an account based model, Syscoin is based on UXTO (unspent transaction output) that it has in common with Bitcoin which is more efficient.

Syscoin NEVM is designed to serve the smart contract and interoperability demands of smart cities and beyond at very low fees, while providing robust decentralized settlement backed by a significant portion of Bitcoin's hashrate via merged-mining, and Bitcoin’s own Proof of Work consensus model.



NEVM (Network-Enhanced Virtual Machine) is the brainchild of Jagdeep Sidhu, Syscoin's Lead Core Developer and CTO of Blockchain Foundry Inc. NEVM will make Syscoin a coordinated platform that combines the best aspects of Bitcoin and Ethereum, along with notable advancements. Syscoin NEVM will implement the latest cryptographic research like zero-knowledge proofs to provide true scale for Turing-complete smart contracts, along with trustless interoperability.

Essentially Syscoin NEVM will offer vast improvements, but will be fully compatible with Ethereum EVM and offer all projects build on Ethereum access to higher scalability, more security through bitcoin core - and all that at lower fees!

NEVM is progressing as expected and the development team is currently deploying services and testing NEVM on a private testnet and the
public testnet phase will be next. Expect more announcements any day now! Pali browser extension wallet compatible with metamask, SysMint tool for minting your (fractionalized) NFTs at 1 Syscoin - Syscoin Platform pretty much will have it all! 

New to Syscoin? Have a look at this 20 page review just published recently!


Here some essential links:
Recommended market tracker for Syscoin: Messari  
Official website:
Join the Syscoin community Discord

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