A Trip to the Outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar

By Drew Binsky | DrewBinsky Travel | 31 Aug 2020

My Burmese friends kidnapped me and took me to the outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar.

Check out this video of my experience!

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Drew Binsky
Drew Binsky

Hey guys! My name is Drew Binsky and I make daily travel videos as I visit every country on earth (currently 191/197). My goal is to inspire young adults to travel, while shattering stereotypes that the world is unsafe. Happy Travels!

DrewBinsky Travel
DrewBinsky Travel

Hey guys! My name is Drew Binsky and I make daily travel videos as I visit every country on earth (currently 191/197). My goal is to inspire young adults to travel, while shattering stereotypes that the world is unsafe. Drew Binsky® Travel Videos are short documentaries, telling unique stories about people, food, culture and anything else I find interesting on the road. You will also find tons of travel tips, hacks and advice. Happy Travels!

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