My Crypto Goal

By cryotosensei | diaperfinancingfund | 10 Aug 2021

Today, I will like to use this space to detail my crypto goal. I regard Publish0x as my accountability partner in that sense because through blogging, it allows me to have a time stamp on my goal. Most importantly, I cannot wriggle out of it since my blog will nudge me to march towards my goal.

So what is my goal? I am rather enjoying my experience with Gemini. But there are so many crypto exchanges out there that it seems a pity not to try them out and see the one that best caters to my needs and lifestyle preferences. However, I don't have the luxury of deep pockets to dip my toes in all these options. 

Mobile payment apps are currently the rage in my country as people find it more convenient to use them rather than carry cash around with them. In Singapore, Grab is arguably the most popular payment app because it offers a reward program for consumers. This means that every time I make a transaction using Grab, I will earn some points which I can then redeem for something else.

Look at what I discovered on my Grab app today:


Coinhako is a Singapore-based crypto exchange. No doubt, it does not have an established reputation like some of the bigger players out there. But since I am already accumulating GrabRewards points, why not I leverage them to gain a new experience, right? I reckon it's better than redeeming the points to get a discount and buy some random stuff. 

I have gathered about 220 points so far, so I have attained 10% of my goal. Onwards to the other 90%!

I'm rather excited to get my hands on this coupon and test out Coinhako. This will help me understand the strengths and areas of growth of both Gemini and Coinhako. 

Wish me luck in attaining this goal as soon as possible! And what is your crypto goal?

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budding investor


Blogging about crypto as I learn

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